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Greetings all. New member. How hard was it when you finally gave up on religion? I was a believer until I actually read the Bible. How can any Theist defend that book?

AlanM 2 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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They call it blind faith. I think believers pick out certain writings of the bible to support whatever band wagon they are on. Other writings they choose to ignore.


Yeah, reding the bible also for me too, as wht drove the nails into the coffin of my trying to believe in religiion.

I think the hardest part of leavign a religion is the loss of a place within the groups and the loss of acceptance within a group. I think a large percentage fo doubter stay in religion just because they want a place in a group.


I wasn't raised with it. I was sent to Sunday School for a couple of years as an elementary school aged child but when I said I didn't want to go anymore that was that. My parents were not religious so it was just never a thing. I went through a traumatic event that turned me into a believer for a while but it didn't last. I think the turn-off for me was less what the message was than the people who were supposedly "believers" and how hypocritical they seemed. When they felt entitled to try to take over our government that sealed the deal. My ex-wife continues to struggle with believing and not believing but I'm over it. As I sometimes say, I have no problem with Jesus, it's his fan club I can't stand.


That is an outstanding question. The book is totally illogical. An obvious fairytale!


They can't. That's why they don't read it.


I never believed, welcome.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
It wasn't hard for me to give that bs up at all.
I really don't think I ever really believed any of it anyway, even as a kid.


Welcome to the experience.


Hi and welcome.

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