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Wishing all my fellow Athiests and Agnostics to remain in good health in the extreme times people dying and being sick due to the Corona Virus.
I am happy to say our Prime Minister of New Zealand is putting the whole country in lockdown this coming Wednesday the 23rd the moment New Zealand has 102 people confirmed with the virus,but no deaths yetand hopefully if there are any it will be minimised due to the steps the government has taken

PeterJohn 6 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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And your women are no longer criminals or mandatory pregnancy law victims


Fair warning mate, we're coming across the ditch to annexe your little country just so we can steal your prime minister. We want to use her to replace the f'ing moron that we have to put up with. Sooo bloody jealous. Damn you kiwis


It takes bold action to defeat this enemy - and the sooner the better! Good for your Prime Minister who seems to have the health and safety of your residents in mind.

I hope also USA takes highway safety seriously and reduces 40 thousand annual road way deaths seriously....this is all EcoSocialism in action making communities safe well fed and separated from infected people

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