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Here in Northern Ireland the Belfast Health Trust which is part of our NHS, sent us this message via our TV sets last night. The message could not be clearer, coming straight from the medical staff on the front line of fighting this Coronavirus.

Marionville 10 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I think the US will have an NHS after this - and a socialist government

I wouldn’t bet on it....but it may change the perception of a lot of people to universal healthcare and social democracy! Could be a step on the road to change!

@Marionville I do tend to over estimate in the hope of increasing probablility of it actually happening.


Awesome posted it on Facebook

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 23, 2020

Great..glad you did.

@Marionville me too. Powerful stuff.


SHARED!!!! (thank you!)

I searched "stay at home ireland" directly in YouTube to get the URL.

Zster Level 8 Mar 23, 2020

Glad you found it,


We don't have that problem here in Spain. If we don't stay at home we face a minimum fine of 600€. We're only allowed out singly, and only for visits to the shops, cash machine, medical centre or chemist.
Problem solved!

We haven’t reached that stage here yet...but it will come if people don’t heed the advice,


Thank you for sharing this. I tried to save it to share on Facebook but cannot seem to save the link...

Sorry that you can’t do’s a very compelling message!

@Marionville It is. Worth sharing, as too many people are not heeding the stay-at-home order.

@Bobbyzen too, hence that video by the medics.

@Marionville I found the video online and shared it. Thank you again 💙

@Bobbyzen Glad to hear!


That was thoughtfully presented and did not sound like a commercial.

It certainly is clear and concise in its message,

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