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Why widespread coronavirus testing isn't coming anytime soon. This is sad and wrong. Testing should be available!!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 Mar 24

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  1. There are no tests anywhere to be had.
  2. Drump does not Want there to be testing, thus his invocation of federal powers but no actual Action on them
  3. There will be no test anytime soon unless there is money to be made, lots of money.

My interpretation of the articles tells me that trump is doing everything he can to make this mess worse. He wants the numbers to go down and the only way to do that is to limit the amount of testing. So we are never going to know where we are in this battle until everyone gets in his face and tells him to resign and let someone who knows what they are doing to lead. This will not happen as long as he is dictator in charge. If we do not know where we are then the numbers are down long enough before the death total goes up, way up.

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