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Seal farts for photo.

PondartIncbendog 8 Mar 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Good judge of character?


Lol funny

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 26, 2020

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that's how you affect wildlife? Do humans have the same reaction?

I wish I was there. I can't afford to go to the store.


"I fart in your general direction!'. 💜

This post has nothing to do with religion. It should be blocked and the author beaten about the head and neck.

@PondartIncbendog huh?

@TheoryNumber3 This post has nothing to do with religion. It should be blocked and the author beaten about the head and neck.

@PondartIncbendog That was a Monty python quote for clarity...

@PondartIncbendog Also in General and Hellos a seal passing gas is refreshing.

@RavenCT Its important to laugh in times such as these. Too much seriosity kills.

@RavenCT Well, that certainly cleared the air, didn't it.

"And I thrust my petard in your general direction"!

@PondartIncbendog it also cleared the general area 😃😃😃

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