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I use Google+ a bit, and there are several professed Christians who troll many atheist posts as a pack. They are antagonists. I simply act as if they don't exist now. How do you react or deal with trolling bullies of this I'll?

Adorkable 6 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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My main, well I won't say complaint but issue, is not what are called negative trolls, whom I just ignore, but those I feel are not honest brokers, maybe even to themselves. By that I mean some here who call themselves nonbelievers, often but not always agnostic, but are residually religious. Criticise religion too much, particularly the Roman Catastrophic Church, the Pope, and alike and in they come in a defensive posture. Then I think, oh here we go. People have the right to believe what they like. But you look at my profile and posts and you know exactly where I stand. I like fellow honest brokers, even if we don't always agree. I don't block anyone, or I haven't yet, but once I recognise a residue religious person, whatever their designation here, I mostly ignore them. That's just purely a personal observation here.


You can block them, report them, etc.


I block people at will. They don’t necessarily have to be trolls for me to block. For me, this is a community of people that I enjoy hanging out with. If someone comes in the room and, after a spell, I find that I don’t enjoy listening to them or talking to them, I leave the room by blocking them. Works for me.


Unfortunately, I fight back.. If you’re comfortable and knowledgeable, you can both cut em down & shut em down. But … it can get ugly.. And do you want your ‘friends’ to see that side of you..? Those roving packs have no friends, or a life for that matter, they’re just terminal misfits jealous of those willing to acknowledge their deepest fears.

I’ll ‘like’ posts from American Atheists for example - and am consistently impressed by the multitude and quality of the comments on their posts! In my mind, I think ‘take that,’ and let the meme/ message do it’s thing.. Speaking up once in awhile often has a stronger impact than constantly, as you’ll maintain both the tolerance and respect of your friends ~

Varn Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

I ignore them. I also block them if I feel it's necessary, but most of them are sock puppets and will register another account.


I checked out a couple of Google+ atheist communities, only for a few days last year. They didn't seem to be very good. A few hobby horse posters mainly. I left. But, as luck would have it, I saw a reference to this site, and I'm grateful for that. I think you'll find trolling bullying religionists don't get very far here.


Quite right, turn the other cheek.


Let's just assume I am a BAD person.
I don't argue with children, because I don't have to, I am the adult, they are children, there is no argument.
Same with these trolls, I won't waste my time debating, they are unable to reason. If they persist and piss me off enough, I'll pray to the god of the internet to bring down a plague on them. There is a difference between a god and a systems controller. A systems controller doesn't walk around all day wishing he was a god. Obtuse comment I know, but I had fun years ago with people trying to hack my networks. Like my premises, the dificulty is less one of getting in, more of one getting out. Did I say I am a BAD person?


I now am a former Christian, and I find it hard to explian why to other Christians. I've been reading articles on the true orgin of the Christian faith, and i wish other Christians just knew what they are truely worshiping.

I find anecdotally that most self identified Christians don't actually study the bible they claim to follow. I point out exodus 21 which sanctions slavery, Paul's letters which tell women to shut up and be subservient to men, psalms 137:9 which says be happy when you are killing your enemies babies, etc.

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