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Strange how much time and energy we spend on "life" when it all ends sooner than we expect. Is it all worth it?

Lunachant 3 Apr 1

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It’s all we have. So nothing else is more “worth it” than that.


You make it worth it. Life is exactly what you make of it.


Only you can say if it is worth it. We have a life at birth and with that we live it. I agree some people take it much too seriously to even enjoy it and some are just not in the game but it is a live we have, We are an animal like any other. we eat therefore we are.

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

The part I find difficult is knowing you can only be on one path at a time - and so many paths! Spending a lot of time ‘around here,’ someone stated something that's resonated with me for weeks now - in a good way. I don’t remember it verbatim.. or even close, but in general, it left me feeling that we try too hard - and to get the most from life we need to just let it happen … that way whatever we do, life’s enjoyable ..and not a constant battle..

Feeling like a fighter, and that there’s always a fight.. I’ve wondered if there isn’t another way? ...dang, too complex for me to explain -- but I’m grinning instead of frowning 😀 Keep searching ~

Varn Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

I don't understand how long or short life is influences that question.

I see this alot, even to the extent that some people will opine that since the universe is all going to end in heat death anyway, what's the point?

It's a really non-sequitur point. Life is worth whatever you decide it is. Its brevity actually adds to the value of every moment.

I think where this comes from is religion's pushing the notion that we must be immortal for there to be any meaning, and the reverse implication that if we're mortal, life is meaningless. It's just hogwash on its face but we're so acculturated to it in Christendom that we think it terribly important.

"Its brevity actually adds to the value of every moment." - Nice


And another thought: if you sleep the recomended amount of sleep, eight hours, and live to age 60, you have slept fot 20 years.

So simple and so scary when put like that. Ouch, I am 60 soon.


It is the best we will ever get.


Like it or not, we have life. Might as well make the most of it.


Totally worth it!


Yes. What's the alternative?


I don't know.what else are you going to do?

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