16 1

Hi all. I've just signed up today and was wondering what everyone is doing this/Easter weekend?

JohnPhillips 3 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Sis is throwing last Easter gathering ( she's tired) but it's 800 miles away. Began with me, everyone coming over & my prepping/hiding baskets for All, everyone contributing food that eventually became Middle Eastern oriented. Sis took over after divorce. My kids are elsewhere, my daily charge grandkids visiting other gparents. Glad for all. I'm attending to nagging chores & pleased to clear my slate. But especially pleased to share with other folks (here) who are not focused on the Christian today. So affirming to read/listen the Dawkins/Hitch/Bennett/Harris post, guys I've listened to for years on my own- you guys Are out there, doing what I do!


HI, me too ! And like a coupe of other people I have noted... I have eaten too much chocolate and am bingewatching Netflix. Contented.

Tilia Level 7 Apr 1, 2018

Hi welcome. On Had spiral ham my roommate made-lazy day.


Sleeping in


Binge watching a show on Netflix.


Finally finishing a long overdue relationship with a narcissist. I should have known better, I work with the mentally ill and yet I’ve ‘persevered’ with this doomed relationship for 15 valuable years. Still - I’ve done it now.


Family is coming for supper. Ping pong tournament


It is a regular Sunday here. I am going to do some cleaning, spend time talking to my family, and then we plan on going out to eat for dinner.


I got a pathfinder game later today but till then laxness..... what about you?


Welcome to the sight. Post and comment as you will .


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
I'm still caffeinating. I have no plans to do anything but that until I feel sufficiently
caffeinated. It might take a while.


Sleeping in. Then, if it doesn't rain, puttering around some in my yard - though not looking for rabbit eggs 🙂

Varn Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

For the 972 day in a row I'm still trying to trick, I mean woo one or more of these beautiful kind women over to my den of iniquity, I mean my humble abode to do debauchery, I mean politely converse with about their feelings and shit but so far no luck. Hmmm.


Welcome aboard and sweet F.A. pretty much 🙂


Rabbit hunting

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