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Today's Travel Destination: Atacama, Chile, The Driest Place On Earth

Fun Facts:
The Atacama Desert is the driest non-Arctic place on earth. It is the world record holder for the longest dry spell in history, over 14 years (173 months) without a single drop of water from the sky (early 1900s.)

Average rainfall is less than 0.6" annually. Some weather stations have never received a drop of rain.

It's a Pacific coastal area with the Loa River flowing through it to the ocean. Oddly, It's a surfer's paradise (Arica, Chile.) The area is west of the Andes Mountains, which can be seen from any location in the region.

*Atamaca Desert, Chile**

SeaGreenEyez 9 Mar 28

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So time to play the audio : WIPEOUT by the SAFARIS the surfers anthem ....a single word song giggle guitar riffs & drum solos


Reminds me of Death Valley when the flowers were blooming.


my travel destination for today was the back porch !


Life will always find a way!


Is that what they call dry humor?


Wow! No water... Not my kinda place!

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