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You know they’re waiting...

1EarthLovingGal 7 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I heard another great contradiction, sadly at a funeral (Baptist). The preacher went on & on about how the deceased was free of the hurt & suffering of living and is now in peace with god. He pointed out that it's backwards that we mourn a death and celebrate a birth: the dead are rewarded by going to heaven and the baby is facing a life of suffering. So please Mr Preacher, explain: why are you against abortion? And, while we're at it, suicide?


I like the FB meme saying the anti-vaccers are upset that there's no vaccine they can refuse to take.


One of the great contradictions of religion I've never been able to wrap my head around: a storm comes through and complete destroys a town and kills many people, and the remaining "faithful" are thanking god that they didn't die. Huh? Didn't your god just take away everything you love?

Yeah, right. A lesson. The almighty father/god kicks your butt until you fall down on your knees to thank him and worship his wonderfulness.

Like one of my T-shirts (with pirate image): The beatings will continue until morale improves.


He looks creepy 😲😱


And this is unusual?....

@1EarthLovingGal The real problem with religion is it is a stagnant system of culture. Nothing ever changes within a stagnant system even as reality moves on and everything around it changes religion tries to hold everything back which is why it is slowly dying out and why it is fighting so hard to survive by taking over the government....


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 30, 2020
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