8 2

Yes should be done.

Charliesey 7 Apr 3

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First that's nothing to celebrate and doesn't account for long recovery periods and long-term suffering. That survival rate is only achievable if the spread of the disease can be slowed to the point that allows those infected to receive adequate treatment.

So, in answer to the question, absolutely not. Let's focus on education, prevention, and recovery until there's a vaccine.

JimG Level 8 Apr 4, 2020

Roughly 1.5% that equals 3 million deaths atrocious . And if you or your family is part of that nightmare


No - too many can't figure out that they could be in that small percentage.
That risky behaviors not only endanger them - but everyone around them.

Nope - fear is a great tool right now and I hope it is used to an extent that is reasonable.

We have way too many dopes on this planet of ours not to.


The average survival rate of the second world war was 97%. It wasn't so bad after all was it? Statistics conceal suffering.


Unfortunately, this is very wrong on a lot of levels. Promotes uncaring/risky behavior and ignores the Fact that if the hospital & ER are overflowing, who are you going to see about those chest pains, or broken ankle, or etc......


That is really a STUPID idea.


No. Bad idea. The main thing keeping people practicing physical distancing and such is focusing on the very real risk of death. Why do you think there's such controversy about whether or not to promote that everyone should wear a mask?


Because when you’re talking about hundreds of millions of people, that’s millions of deaths.

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