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Cold chilling facts of how Modi treats his people. I'm sure this reminds you of how Blorange treats his people - protecting himself and the elite.


This article provides the facts

TimeOutForMe 8 Apr 5

Enjoy being online again!

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This virus will definitely change the world. But for better or worse remains to be seen. Those optimistic will think it will be a better, more accepting place, open to change and transformation. Those pessimistic see a world more like the Hunger Games, factions fighting each other for the scraps, while the elite wealthy make sport and profit as usual.
How long does this last? Does it mutate and come back even stronger as the world begins to control it? When does the viral nationalism reach a receptive populace that decides war is the only response to disease? The movie and creative community have been playing out these scenarios for all time, they just never knew when. And even if we get through this one unscathed and a new normal settles in not much different than before, how long until the next global catastrophe? A giant volcano explodes putting the earth in extended darkness? A rogue astroid takes a wrong turn and smashes into our blue marble?
I am not a pessimist, but I like to consider myself a realist, thus why I can’t believe in blind faith religion. I live each day the best I can, enjoy the little things that give me pleasure and those few people that please my need for human connection. I am 68, have had what I consider to have been an interesting and pleasant life. I will continue to appreciate that as long as I can, with the knowledge that millions will and have never known that peace in their own lives. What tomorrow brings is way outside the scope of my power and will have to be dealt with when it does.
Sorry if I rambled this afternoon. Something about this article made me thoughtful and I figured I would take advantage of this space to put it into words. Thank you to those who may read it and find it interesting.

@Barnie2years I hear where you're coming from. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It does make one think. I'll be 58 soon, thankfully I've lived many lives in this one lifetime of mine and can write home about it. I still look and feel 40 with not much effort. ...and I am a realist like yourself too. This article opens us up to the inequalities and the sufferings of fellow human beings, most or none of which the helpless brought on themselves.


If link/article does not open...
Open in Google with "Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’


Leadership deficits are killing people worldwide. Will race and religious bias continue to shore up these despots or will the survival of more people of reason turn the tide?

@Lorajay religion is a curse that's kept mankind back. India is a perfect example of that, where one man tells another man he's not good enough and so it rolls onto the centuries until those who know they're good enough to trash the shit out for what it isn't worth. This unacceptable control, slavery and division of human beings just has to come to an end. Unfortunately with India it will lead to an uprising and and the cost of millions dying for the good of mankind.

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