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A little fun offering in these Covid times,
[ Dunny, Dunny, Dunny] (to the tune of Money, Money,Money)
[Dunny, Dunny, Dunny]
[it ain't funny]
[ in this Covid world,]
[sitting on the dunny,]
[shit stuck to my bummy]
[in this Covid world]
[Aha, aha,]
[Oh, what i would do, ]
[IF I had a little paper]
[to wipe my bummy]
[in this Covid world.]

Please feel free to add extra verses as you feel like it, maybe we could end up with a Covid 19 hit song...LOL.

Triphid 9 Apr 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Aren't you the guy with the Evangeloon neighbor? If so, this is for you:

(Also to the tune of Money, Money, Money - the first verse.)

I stay at home, I mow the lawn,
I notice that my neighbor's gone.
Ain't it odd.
I think he couldn't fix the pipe
Turns out his prayers were only hype.
What a clod.

In my dreams, I hope he's worth
Enough to buy a home in Perth.
I'd never see his face again, I'd open up some good Champagne...

Hope you like it! 🙂

Love it, it would be a dream come true if he moved to Perth permanently, or 300 kilometres due west of Perth would be even better for me, Westerner Australia and the people of Perth.

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