How would everyone feel about being refused a date because you’re an atheist? Im good friends with a bloke, I’ve made it clear that I’d like to see more of him, but he told me he couldn’t date me because of my beliefs. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I don’t think I’d care about the beliefs or lack of in a partner.
Best to let men do the chasing, since they're wired to be the pursuers, if they are normal, cis, hetero men. If you go after them, they run, unless they have a lot of female traits.
Besides, if you let your views be known, then only men who agree with you will ask you out. If you let them.
Women have always been the chasers. Men just don't realise it.
Might feel disappointed but couldn't ping them for being honest. If that is important to them then that is important to them no matter how delusional I might think it is. From their point of view why would they hook up with someone who is going to hell and might drag them along for the ride. For the devout it is like "Would you date a active car thief?", most of us wouldn't do that knowingly.
Actually, I would laugh and be thankful that I found out how shallow she was early.
How is she shallow?
Would your preference be to date a believer?
@chollygee I think the sex mixup was my fault! In any event, how is the person who doesn’t want to date an atheist shallow? Is not shallow meant to be an insult or a negative term about a person? I’m just trying to understand from a couple of you how it makes someone shallow to not want to date an atheist.
Feel sorry for someone so narrow minded - he's probably conservative on other issues. Thank your lucky stars.