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I just watched a church service today that I found disturbing. An elder was recalling the crucifixion in detail to quite a few young ears. Very young. He then went thru the Mary Magda Yada yadda yadda.
Does anyone else here find that a bit sick? I found the responses by the kids equally disturbing.
They ranged from gasps of horror to well ingrained parrot like answers.

Leafhead 8 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Another dirty old man who loves making mid partings in choir boys hair


I've seen this sort of thing where the kids get brainwashed. Then their teens hit and they question everything, break away from religion in a rebellious way by running away, doing drugs, ending up in jail. It's traggic. Poor kids in these situations are so confused to be raised to feel a certain way and then have their world turned upside down when they see the crap they've been dealt.


Child Abuse.

Varn Level 8 Apr 2, 2018

Not surprising, but still fucked up.

I went to catholic school and every Easter they would have one of the years, maybe grade 6?, do the stations of the cross. That shit a fucked up and the complete lack of self awareness from the adults and others is real disturbing. Making a bunch of 12 year olds reenact the torture and execution of someone is all sorts of fucked up.


Gross. That is quite disturbing.


It makes me sick and I wasn't even there! What will happen when people need to feel horror at a 'real world ' happening? What about the developing feelings in children? It makes no sense! I am beyond grateful for not being a part of such insanity, now! Even if it was so long ago that I can hardly remember when...


Many of the extreme right wing are very into torture porn.

But that's just it - this was a liberal church!!

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