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I dislike Biden But I think anything is better than trump. Many Bernie supporters have said they will never vote for Biden. I'm wondering if that means they really think trump would make a better president.


Lorajay 9 Apr 8

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I really dislike Biden a lot, yet if need be, I will vote for him to get rid of Trump.


I wonder if that means (Bernie supporters) really think Trump would make a better president.

I don’t know any Bernie supporters who think that Trump is better than anyone, myself included. And therein lies the Bernie fervor. Biden’s terrible record on a number of issues make him unelectable. He will fail to turn out 10’s of millions of people directly, negatively impacted by his positions on mass incarceration, social security, Medicare and Medicaid, living wage, housing, finance, and so much more. A Biden candidate ensures 4 more years of Trump. Democrats are already blaming Bernie and his supporters if he loses. Instead, you all should focus on encouraging him and his supporters to stand for the poor and working classes, the homeless, the incarcerated, the indebted, the uninsured. I beg you, stop blaming Bernie and his supporters and urge Biden to be better.

I actually agree with what you say but I'm not about to help the republicans by repeating all that. By repeating it you discourage many Democratic voters. Many of those things do appeal to republicans so they won't be using them against him. As I said before I'm sending my campaign money to Senate and House races and voting for the Democratic presidential candidate. It won't change the world but will certainly be better than the alternative.


t Rump is a major disaster.. and if he does get in for another 4 years.. He will feel even more empowered. Once the Repbulican Party has used him to achieve their goals. .they can and will dispose of him. It will take years to undo the damage.. if at all possible.


I'm a Bernie bro. Biden means we will go back to business as usual. Corporate special interests will be protected. It looks to me that most Americans are afraid of any change. They have become comfortable living under the boot heal of corporate special interests.

That said, Trump is a special case. He is a disaster to our American institutions. The Republican Party has proven they do not respect the checks and balances against executive over reach as provided in our Constitution. I think the Bernie bunch will vote blue no matter who. The Berners not voting is fake news propagated by those who want to split the Democratic Party and enable Trump.

Most if not ALL Bernie supporters I know would rather circumcise themselves with a flaming chainsaw than vote for president Pumpkinfucker.


Anyone who thinks Biden WOULDN'T be better than Little Lord Cheetodick has obviously not been paying attention. Not MUCH better, I would agree, but better. It doesn't necessarily mean they like Trump. It just means that they're tired of settling for the lesser of two evils. I agree with this mindset.....but yet I still plan on voting blue. The question is, will we on the left be as hard on Joey, should he get enough moderate Republicans who are tired of Trumps vast imbecilic incompetence to win him the presidency, as we have been on the republicans? I hope so, because we have to have some fucking standards. Better than Trump is just not cutting it.


I just hope he makes a better choice for VP than what Hillary did. He needs someone progressive and young enough to run for a second term should the need arise. Also, some with some voter appeal/charisma. Tim Kaine didn't have much of either.

If we get a democratic president and they get to appoint a Supreme Court Justice, I hope they appoint a young and healthy person preferably someone in their forties. In the past, they have appointed some wonderful people but they did not appoint wonderful people that were going to be there for 40 years like the yucky Clarence Thomas will be.

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