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Well according to the latest News report it appears that PotUS 45 is "curbing U.S. Finances to the W.H.O. because of his opinion on how it has handled the Pandemic."
What the F**k did he expect them to do, wave a magic wand, say a few magical phrases and make it disappear?
Hey, Humpty Trumpty, if you had acted a whole lot sooner like Australia has, for example, just maybe a lot less Americans would still alive, it IS not the fault of W.H.O. nunbnuts, it's your blustering, blithering and grandstanding, etc, etc, that has wrought the high and increasing death toll on America.

Triphid 9 Apr 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I supposed most of you saw this by now, but it bears repeating. It doesn't seem to occur to him that news clips make a liar out of him every single day.


It's not Trump's fault, he was busy playing golf and campaigning. .. He didn't know nuttin bout China... 😱😲

Ah, the old 'plausible denyability' bit then, was it....LOL.


They made him look bad

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 15, 2020

I sincerely doubt if there was anything on this Earth that could even remotely make him look good as either a person or a political Leader in my opinion.

@Triphid no shit he is vindictive


Because he handled it so well, and if it weren't for WHO's fuckups we'd all be dancing in the streets now
(sarcasm alert)

Yep, and now, so it appears we have Australia's own Rat-Bag, Red-headed, Resident Dip-shit (my opinion of her btw) Pauline Hanson getting on board the Humpty Trumpty Bandwagon of hating the W.H.O. as well.
Imho, I sincerely doubt that Pauline ( Pants Down) Hanson could manage know the difference between an actually virus and a Computer virus.

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