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If WHO is not funded, will it be easier for the OrangeIdiot to reopen the economy by fudging numbers? It is Obvious he doesn't care about deaths......

AnneWimsey 9 Apr 15

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doesn't care or doesn't grasp the concept? or doesn't know? There is so many false info from not only social media but government officials as well. Seems they all paid someone to take their biology 101 classes when they got their degree.


I'm sure the money we contribute is de minimis.


@Barnie2years I don’t mean percentagewise. I mean in actual dollars. Whether we contribute or not is going to have no affect on the American economy overall.

@mooredolezal Last Year’s Top Contributors To The World Health Organization

For the two-year budget cycle of 2018 and 2019, the U.S. government pledged to contribute $893 million to WHO’s budget – consisting of “assessed contributions” (dues paid by member countries) and voluntary contributions.

@Barnie2years you still don't understand. What I am saying is the amount of money we give is nothing compared to our GDP. It has no effect on our economy. Four hundred million dollars a year is nothing. In 2018 our GDP was over 20 trillion dollars. In other words if we gave four hundred million dollars 500 times it would equal 1% of our GDP.


If the WHO is out of business it will be easier for Putin to dominate Europe and Africa.


He can't reopen States, no matter how much he whines, yells or pouts about it..he may try Try to fudge the numbers. However each state has their numbers published even on that he can't hide..


The WHO action is just a diversion away from the controversy surrounding his two month delay in launching testing in Februsry and March. He failed majorly, or as he would say. " Failed strongly."

For the idiot's that still think Trump acted early by limiting (not banning, after all 49,000 people came from China after the supposed ban went onto effect), get wise. The problem is not in the ban, he finds banning other counties an easy fix for everything, but how he downplayed the seriousness and delayed testing for two months subsequent to his "ban".

The WHO screwed up no doubt. They were biased into not wanting to not rock the boat regarding China. They were wrong. But the pandemic is global and the WHO does much more positive work in controlling pandemics around the world. We are still part of the world despite what the idiots in the WH believe. If we don't stop in less developed countries, it will continue to haunt us for many years going forward. Our future is tied to the WHO and their work whether we fund them or not. Our failure to fund will come back to haunt us multiple times down the road.

I am so tired of the idiotic isolationists in Wahington.


It’s just his normal way of blaming anything and everything for his own stupid response to the outbreak. Remember, they offered testing kits early on and he refused them.


It’s just spite for not agreeing with them. They won’t close right now.

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