Is there any correlation between being an Atheist and liking Game of Thrones?
Shows like that bore me to tears; The Boring Dead, Breaking Boring, Seinboring, Boring and the City, and the list goes on and on and on...
Nope, no relationship.
I've felt so alone in those opinions forever. I also didn't like Friends and Sons of Anarchy.
A man knows that it is a much better fantasy story than the bible.
@idlopalev a girl is no one.
I have almost completed season one,one DVD to go(two episodes). I thoroughly enjoy it. I'm a full blown athiest. My parents are full blown Christian and they are watching it with me and they enjoy it very much. My parents are Christian because that's what most upper middle class folks from their generation and region are. Go with the herd,so to speak. They are uninformed, and do not want to hear any facts or proclamations that go against Christian belief. They know little about the doctrine in the bible. Sorry, kinda rambled off. Anyway in my case I haven't seen any correlation with game of thrones being favored more by athiest.