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Hi folks. What do you think of what has been called (the god gene) ?

Yossele 2 Apr 3

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Religion... Created as the first fail safe in controlling a group of people. Fear works wonders.


Makes total sense. It appears that those who have believed/obeyed have procreated more than those who knew it was best to have fewer kids, when possible.

But, it may be more so the gene for survival that is exhibited by agreeing with those who have total control over one's life to elicit praise and avoid punishment.


I think religious people have hijacked what the VMAT2 gene is.


I’m a big believer in the God jean, they fit great and I’m happy with the comfortable feeling while wearing them.

look Level 1 Apr 3, 2018

There is a condition which has to do with a certain portion of the brain that when stimulated is supposed to give you paranormal or religious feelings. It also may be what gives people the impression they have been abducted by aliens or have a sense there are "ghosts" etc.


@annewimsey this


Hick's Boson is not anything religious! Nor is anything else scientific! Get Over yourself & Google stuff!

@annewimsey He's referring to something different.

@jperlow what, really? More "gawd" Crapola? Why do people do that? I find it IRRITATING!


Religion did not evolve through the mechanisms of natural selection.The idea of god perpetuates itself through cultural transmission .Even if the absurd claim were true ,that would in no way challenge the tenet that god is nothing but a silly myth .The evolution of religion would simply mean that perpetuating a ridiculous myth had a selective advantage, nothing more, and would certainly not lend credence to the myth itself.


Not a lot


I can't say the term is not irritating. But spirituality & religion are 2 totally different things.

Emme Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

There is no God Gene it's made up religious apologist

Cliff Level 3 Apr 3, 2018

An extremely poor choice of words.


I'd say it's a poor name for what is probably an interesting discovery.


What is the god gene? Are you born believing in god? I don't think so. Religion is taught.

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