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Anybody from Columbus Indiana????.... I could use a friend !! My life right now its just work work work.... I miss having a nice conversation over coffee, or dinner. Can't promise crazy/fun activities here, not much to do.... Or maybe I am just new in town and I don't know any better yet.... Calling for help !!!! ??

IamNobody 8 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not to far from Columbus, Indiana. About an hour away. I used to go to college out there for a few years.

Hey buddy, thanks for your note. I am still hoping to find female friends in the area, however as you may have noticed the trend in this thread has not been that promising. Life goes on... Cheers !!


I work in Greensburg. We could meet sometime for some company! Everyone can always use another friend!

Appreciate it !! Hopefully sometime soon. That would be awesome.


I lived there for a while, but had to move home when my guy couldn't hold a job 😟 😟 womp womp. My aunt is there though, she moved there for my boyfriend's roommate wild story but she stayed. Columbus was very different than what I'm used to in Texas, but it was nice all the same. If I come visit her we should hang out.

Oky doky that would be awesome !! Thanks !!


My life exactly! Too bad we aren’t closer.

Essie Level 6 Apr 3, 2018

Thanks Essie !! Yes, it would've been great !!! Wish you the best !!!


Look at your nearest neighbors on your profile. Start there.

Oky doky, working on it, thanks !!!!


I'm in the same boat. New to the Twin Cities, so nonexistent social life. Hope somebody local responds

Well, good luck for you too !!!


I'm not in that area, but I hope you find someone to hang out with. Good luck! 🙂

Mea Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

Thanks a lot, any positive vibe helps !!!

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