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Saddling kids with troublesome names just because their parents like it. Personally I've had to repeat and spell my name every time I say it my whole life. Now, big shot Elon Musk has saddled his kid with worse than Moon Unit or Dweezil (Zappa) but X Ash Archangel Twelve. "It's great," he said proudly.
Great for him but now his kid is fucked. Especially when he finishes last taking the SATs because he's still filling his name in. So what do we think, parents should name their kids whatever name they like regardless of what the kid has to go through with it, or parents should consider their kids before naming them?

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lerlo 8 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I mean both options are true.

kdmom Level 6 Aug 30, 2020

I mean unless the parents give the kid a name that won't mess up their life they are both not true.


I remember my mother telling me, before you name a child try standing on the back step and yelling it at the top of your lungs about 20 times. This name wouldn't stand that test but I suppose this lot will just have a locator chip buried in the poor little bugger.
He'll have to be home schooled though as I imagine other kids will give him hell.


I think people who use their kids instead of nurture them are more likely to pick inappropriate names.

Agreed. Some people seem to see their kids as an accessory.

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