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Voter fraud?

evidentialist 8 May 20

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It's only fair, and now legal, that we also vote by FEMAIL ...


The only voter fraud is perpetrated in the name of gerrymandering, electoral college, dark money, super pacs, non publicly financed elections, corporate personhood, ... Need I go on?


Mine is going in the mail tomorrow: 21 May.


It is safe to ‘vote by mail!’ In fact -- they’re counting the latest as we sit…

Fought to help it happen in my home state: “January 1996 - Oregon becomes the first state to conduct a general election totally by mail to fill a vacancy in a federal office when it selects Senator Ron Wyden to replace Bob Packwood – 66 percent turnout.” ..voted for Ron Wyden, too ~


"It’s very secure, its very cost-effective, and it’s extremely accessible to our voters. It’s one of the reasons we have one of the highest voter turnouts in the entire country. Because folks like to vote from their kitchen tables. It’s very, very accessible,” Gov. Kate Brown said."

Varn Level 8 May 20, 2020

That was my thinking on it as well.


lol...its not safe for some.


I'm not against vote-by-mail, but it has 'issues'



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