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Biden formally clenches the democratic nomination.


UrsiMajor 8 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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The People have spoken ~

Varn Level 8 June 6, 2020

Oh no !


Don't get used to it. He will drop out in August for a "personal health emergency" (dementia) and will be replaced by the DNC at convention time with probably Cuomo or Warren.

My OCD encompasses mocking people when I am right. Don't be surprised when I comment in September on this post.

Hope so

@UrsiMajor Feel free. If I'm proven wrong, I'll admit it. I'm confident enough that I was willing to make $25 bets to friends on it, but no one would take me up on it.

@TomMcGiverin bet taken Sept 1 I will check in again.


Your post was just 3 minutes before mine (now deleted) 😮

That's a good thing. I wouldn't wish my level of OCD on anyone.



bobwjr Level 10 June 6, 2020

This is propaganda not news. Associated Press is deeply involved with computer rigging of election results. Delegate pledging is NOT formal. This racist AP story is heavily censoring Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins victories in their party primaries and caucus conventions. Many Bernie Sanders delegates are hanging on in hopes BidenS is disqualified for health, rape or racist reasons. There are 6 political parties that poll over 5% in many states casting serious doubts about November vote tallies to count over 40% final result. Associated Press reporters are corrupt racist liars in this article making no mention of Libertarians Conservatives Greens and Socialist Parties...AP = duopoly

So, Biden is not the official democratic nominee? You better write a letter and let them know...

There wasn't a straight-jacket emoji option so I gave you a hug.

@UrsiMajor 1993 BidenS rapes Tara Reade vagina with his fingers.....8 women victims of BidenS 24 women victims of TrumpOLINI.... why put straight jackets on truth tellers ?

@UrsiMajor when the convention gavel pounds and the delegates count their votes state by state THAT IS OFFICIAL fake news has been spreading lies since 1996 censoring Ralph Nader and the Green Party

@Larry68Feminist Tara Reade is so obviously a political hit job scam artist, I'm surprised I even have to address this issue. She's one of the biggest crocks of crap I have ever seen. Losing interest in topic, Not worth the effort to repost all of the debunks.

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