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My mom constantly pushes her belief of reincarnationism onto me. "We get reincarnated into a new baby." I want to be reincarnated into a BLACK PANTHER. Majestic, strong, beautiful, smart, quiet; That's the kinda fantasy world I WANT to live in! 😃

VeronicaAnn 7 June 23

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Beautiful photo.


I'd come back as a giant pacific octopus because they're fucking awesome.


So you die and in reality should turn into worm, bug, and plant food. Those plants, bugs, and worms get consumed by something larger and the next larger consumes it. Your "potential energy" as a food source, just fed whatever and eventually it might be black panther.

That's my version of reincarnation.


Fruit fly:
Sex, die


I'm good with dissolving into the biosphere.


right, good luck with that shit


That particular verity of mysticism is usually pretty harmless, and who knows maybe I can be reincarnated into some kind of bird. That would be fun.


Dire Wolf


Pretty kitty!


Can I be a space whale? Are there such things? Doesn't matter I want to be reincarnated as a space whale whether they exist or not lol

redhog Level 7 June 23, 2020

You wind up eating a lot of turtles, snakes and caymans, no fruits and vegetables in your diet at all - just the dietary restrictions would kill it for me. That's said, my favourite animal is the Snowy Owl, so eating lemmings and field mice and squirrels - then hawking up the remains and spitting them out in pellet form.
Reincarnation is more fun than the old heaven and hell dichotomy but it has its faults too. 😉

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