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What are some “classic” movies that you think suck?

I just don’t get the allure of Scarface or taxi driver or clockwork orange

WallyWorld 5 Apr 5

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"The Piano" I despised the entire premise and the actions of the self-absorbed asshole leads. Entire theme of the movie, IMO, was "nice guys finish last" and since I consider myself a nice gal......


Gone with the Wind was pretty tedious.

Not a movie per se, but John Wayne was a pretty shitty actor. I prefer James Stewart.

JimG Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

Rear window was awesome!


Almost all of Elvis' movies were pretty terrible!

Blame Col. Parker for all those shitty movies. Barbra Streisand wanted to cast Elvis as the male lead in her remake of "A Star Is Born", but Parker wouldn't let him do it.


Citizen Kane. It wasn't the best movie ever made even back when it was made, and it's been bettered countless times since.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

To me its the most overated film ive ever seen


Anything by James Cameron. His movies blow. Yeah, they make a lot of money, but they
still suck.
I hated Titanic and Avatar.

I agree..

@MrLizard No.

@MrLizard I don't like 3D movies.

Terminator 2 has been watched more times than I care to count


There are plenty that I think are overrated, but the big one that I think actually sucks is Gone With the Wind.


It's a bit more along the cult classic side of things, but the popularity of The Goonies seems to be more from nostalgia for those that watched it as kids than it actually being a good movie.

Nah, it's the soundtrack, lol.


Did not like Monty Python and Holy Grail - not my type of humor
Did not like remakes of Dirty Dancing, Footloose, Hairspray, Fame

What? They did a remake of Hairspray?

for tv like Dirty Dancing and Grease which sucked/

I didn't know they made remakes of any of those films. I need to get out more often.

@MollyBell me too..


I thought the Godfather was utterly boring.

My bf gives a big "meh" to the Godfather, and I'm like wtf, it's great! Lol.


Sound of Music and Gone with the Wind..


I hated Clockwork Orange. Just one long string of edgelord nonsense and tryrealhardism in my opinion. I found Fight Club to be painfully boring, too.


2001: A Space Odyssey. It was visually stunning and technically brilliant but I didn't get it. Saw it some years back at a revival theater with a friend, and we both turned to each other at the end with stupifying looks on our faces and said, "What was THAT?!"


I thought A Clockwork Orange was an amazing film. So, SO far ahead of its time.

Ha, I can't think of any classic movies that suck. Reading through the comments, I like ALL of the movies mentioned. Perhaps I'm easily amused. ?


Star Wars


ET. No, it wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't that good either and yet, it got awards. Why? Very dry movie season.

A word on Clockwork Orange. The reason it's a classic is not because it is cast with such strong scenes but because of what it said about society and how we treat criminals. It was a discussion point of the possiblity of controlling criminals and how it could go wrong and how it would be wrong if we were to use it... or would it be? When I realized that, and rewatched it, then the movie took on a different sense to me and held a lot more value. Yes, it's still a 'strong' subject presented in a way that is intended to jar your emotions, and delivers on same... but, it causes me to stop and think about things more than to just react.

...."i'm a workaholic."


Yeah Clockwork Orange just leaves a bad taste in my eyes. I personally don’t like Reservoir Dogs either. Although there are small nuggets of gold in it. As a full I’m not that into it.

Tarantino films are fantastic but yeah reservoir turned into a tough rewatch


Citizen Kane. Nothing else comes to mind at the moment.

MrHIT Level 5 Apr 6, 2018

This is a question this one could write an essay about. But I'm just going to reply that I completely disagree about Clockwork Orange. I saw C O at age 18 and thought I hope I never live in a Clockwork Orange world. At age 62 I'm now living in a Clockwork Orange world. The film was scarily right about the future, even if the style of the film now looks like retro 60s chic and a bit odd. If you don't see the point of the film of a disconnected purposeless culture and people so desperate for meaning that they commit terrible violence just to feel alive, then I suggest you watch it again. Then turn on and watch the daily news.

i liked clockwork orange, too


Any zombie waste of time.




The Ten Comandments


Forrest Gump. Not sure if it’s old enough to count as a classic. This is by far the dumbest movie I have ever watched.

It’s criminal this won best picture over pulp and Shawshank

@WallyWorld I agree!


The Wizard of Oz.
I love most classics: Sound of Music, West Side Story, Casablanca, A Raisin in the Sun, The Matrix, The Godfather, My Fair Lady, Brigadoon, etc., and before I had cable, I'd watch them whenever they showed up on TV. But The Wizard of Oz?...meh.
Never got that jazzed about it.


‘Raiders of the lost Ark’… ‘It’s a wonderful Life’.. ‘The exorcist.’ Have I a theme here?

Varn Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

Singing in the Rain and The Sound of Music always come to mind when I'm asked this question.


Those are three of the greatest movies ever made. you must be brainwashed if you think otherwise. All offence intended...

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