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Who is the "i" that hates the self. Who is the "i" that loves the self? The concept of self is the ego, the "i" is spacial awareness? The ego needs an enemy, needs to feel superior in some way. Stepping back from the ego, you become spacially aware, you feel a great peace. Thoughts, emotions are manifestations of the ego. Anger and pain are related to the thoughts you have, but the thoughts and feelings you have are not you. (I don't understand this crap lol). So the purpose of creating groups such as is to boost the ego. Groups within groups such as liberal versus conservative create an egoic identity and ego always needs an enemy. Spacious awareness and being in the here and now without thought or emotion allows you to step back from the egoic identity and feel peace. Much like when you see a sunset, the moment before your mind starts to chatter, when you simply are aware.

Rich177 5 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Great post, and right on the money! We are on the same wave length.


Thought and feelings are manifestations of the brain and sometimes a chemical or hormonal reaction (ie mood disorders, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.). while these buddhist-type musings are nice, they are ignorant of neurobiology and neurochemistry.


they told me there would be cake.


I is a word. The purpose of a site like is not to make shit up. Kinda contrary actually since it espouses disagreement with the most made up thing there is. But you step back and hopefully you won't fall into the there and was.

lerlo Level 8 June 28, 2020

The there and was is the past, and people dwell on the past and it's all in their mind, since it already passed and they are missing now, I'm beginning to think maybe eckhart tolle took psychedelics!


You might like "How to Change Your Mind" (about psychedelics) by Michael Pollan.

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