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I don't know if all Christians are Karens but it seems all Karens are Christian. 😛
. This is new to me! 😀 😀 😀

I knew the Christians hate the Bible being used against them but it seems that using bible passages to make a point to a Christian is now considered "spiritual abuse". 😀 😀 😀 😀

TheMiddleWay 8 June 28

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Really all "Karens" are Christian? There could be no possibility that an obnoxious, entitled woman could not possibly be agnostic or atheist?

Obviously all_____ are Middleways.


I hate the Karen thing. Sexism been a thing forever. There are famous accomplished people named Karen not recognized. There are underpriviliged people who struggle and have been victimized named Karen. There are people of every shade named Karen. Its name calling and hurtful. Its like middle school bullying

@TheMiddleWay think you want me to list all the nasty words for women and you list all the words for men and see who has a longer list?

@TheMiddleWay My point is sexism. Women called battleax bitch etc..This "sense of entitlement" is kind of funny because women have struggled to be heard. It wasnt considered ladylike or polite
Women were treated like children property and to this day sexism is obvious everywhere.

@TheMiddleWay Very rare do we hear about the Kens. People are used to having fun at womens expense

@TheMiddleWay and I take issue with a lot of ways it has been used. Everyone laugh bc a 65 year old lady don't have money for a ticket try to escape the situation and she gets tased and ends up facedown in the dirt. Her actions may have been wrong, but lets not celebrate seniors getting hurt. Many laugh and she is called a hag among other things. Then, another woman yelled the n word at someone and no that isnt right, but then everyone clap bc someone punched her in the face. Encouraging violence which can lead to greater violence
If I punched someone every time I got called something I would be in trouble. Thats not the society we want where you just hit people when ypu are mad at them. Neither of these people actually named Karen. Women get hurt enough
.this isnt going forward this is backward
and denying also a lot of women also white women have trauma sexual assault history domestic violence. I know its hard for guys too

@TheMiddleWay We have been watching different shows from different seats I guess

@TheMiddleWay yes I can did them up for you but Im not going to give the videos more airtime. you can search youtube for the 65 year old tased Karen on youtube or look to see the lady get punched that said the n word on a BET facebook article. The thing is men and women all color lose their mind act inappropriate rude disrespectful at times
Name calling at a particular group doesnt solve it
Honestly, sexism is so woven in our society that people ignore or get defensive rather than just be witness and try to problemsolve it

@TheMiddleWay You seem to really like using the word and to have missed if not deny what I have been trying to say. It isnt progressive. It is meant to be hurtful. I experienced discussions about sexism making men upset feel attacked. Men including white men have their own problems too. Maybe spend some time reading about being a lady, or notice the Miss and Mrs usage, or the religious sexism, or the women used as sex entertainment, or the rape statistics, or the sex assault statistics and talk to women about all this stuff. Explain why there is no male counterpart for the word bitch. Understand statistically women are not mostly likely attacked or killed by a stranger or a cop but their intimate partner. This is not being said to make you feel bad or shame men. It's being said because it is all ignored for the sake of doing the same to women that been done for a long time! Spend some time thinking about how you feel about sexism and then come back to me. Men women black white any shade can act rude ignorant disrespectful at time Feed the compassion the understanding the forgiveness so we can all move forward.


It happens. They are just insecure.


spiritual abuse.... I figured that's more like putting peanut butter on a communion loaf.


Well it does sound like unicorn abuse, and elf abuse, but I think that it is not really as bad as ghost abuse,.


All Karen’s are not xtians.

well they aint muslims

@bklynite53 some are actually atheists and have no part of any god baloney.

@bklynite53 There are some Muslims by the name Karen. How can you be sure?


Seems to be right

bobwjr Level 10 June 28, 2020

"Spiritual abuse?" WTF? So quoting from the Bible in order to make a point is a form of abuse? Touchy, touchy.


Hi all. I have had to hide my name Karen since it has become synonymous with something negative in the worl now days. Its sad since I used to like my moniker.

Never met a Karen I didn't like.

@TheMiddleWay what was the first sentence?

Unfortunately the 'crowd' has spoken and the name chosen. Perhaps it will just be a fad that is soon past us?

If not, consider this: All Richards may called Dicks, but they aren't necessarily dicks, and there are millions more dicks than there are Richards. Probably doesn't help your situation, but once again, the 'crowd' picks these damn things!

You on behalf of women named Karen everywhere may tell people to fuck off, but you seem too polite
Im so sick of it and ready to rant about all the way women have been degraded for 2000 years. If I used a surname to describe any non white person in a derogatory way that would be obviously wrong and its wrong to do to a white person as well. Seriously people shut up with the fake ass progressive crap. It isnt new or progressive to insult women of any color.

@p-nullifidian or maybe people that are sick of it will start spitting back more


Ohferpetessake, really?


Good grief!


Aren't most Karen Buddhist? []


@Corvislover I guess it depends on whether it's the first name Karen, or the name of the tribe in Burma.

In the first case, I couldn't say one way or another. In the second case, statistics say yes.

And pleased to meet you. I have no idea what the negative connotation of the first name Karen might be, but I don't pay it any attention. I always think of Karen Allen, who I loved in the movies.

I've known a number Karens, both Christian and Jew, and they were all very nice. I sympathize with @Corvislover that the choice of this particular name for such behavior is an unfortunate one, and so far as my life experience goes, simply does not square. Perhaps a movement should be started to come up with a better name for the behavior, and stop "Karen shaming."

@p-nullifidian FWIW I'm not part of the shaming, and I've never even heard of the shaming. I would support such a movement to stop the shaming.

How about "Karen and Proud Of It"?

@Paul4747 I wasn't trying to accuse you personally of being part of the shaming ... if that was the message I sent, I apologize. My reply was more of a general statement. Peace.

@p-nullifidian It wasn't. No worries.

@TheMiddleWay But choosing a person's name for what's actually a behavior, drags people into the issue whose only fault is that their parents gave them a certain name. Especially when it's not even the actual name of the person who did the behavior.

At least calling a guy a "dick" isn't a proper name. You know you're calling him a schmuck, prick, whatever. Why choose Karen? Because we can't come right out and use the word "bitch"? Not that I really approve of that either.

@Paul4747 im from Wyoming.

@TheMiddleWay Can't watch that video without the gag reflex kicking in.


I always thought spiritual abuse was putting a mixer such as coke in a good malt whisky


I feel sorry for all the great women out there who happen to be named Karen. 😟

I actually thought it was a reference to the Karen people of Burma. [] I was very confused, since most Karen are Buddhist.

Yeah we are all bad name is Karen

@TheMiddleWay @Corvislover How about a campaign to change the meme to "Jane". Because she's the female counterpart of a Dick.

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