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Mark Zuckerberg reverses his position on hate and racist journalism due to losses on Wall Street. MONEY TALKED!!!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 June 28

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Truth does not matter to those like zukerfuck!!

They pander to money and the white supremacist power brokers!!!

The wealthy and their corporations who own the obstructionist republican fascist and their over militarized police are not as stable as they one were, they will do anything to win and profit at any cost!!!

The big Ponzi scheme known as Wall Street is being held up by the Fed printing $$$$$$$Trillions of USD to short what the Stock market has become a group of Zombie corporations who produce nothing of value, have shipped everything overseas so that they do not even pay taxes!!!


The usual story. If people shun the advertisers, then the advertisers shun that medium. It's not the advertisers themselves being altruistic either.

Petter Level 9 June 29, 2020

The man is a 21st Century Robber Barron and an ethical wasteland. More than a decade ago I knew it and hence would have anything to do with his shonky businesses. Facebook should be declared a monopoly and broken up. Fat chance in today's America.


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 June 28, 2020

When is it ever silent?

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