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He had one job to do, Bunker Bitch wearing a mask

HippieChick58 9 July 12

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When I see Idiots in stores (masks are mandatory in CT, yippee!) doing that I use my Outdoor Voice to shame them!


Seriously, what is going on with all these people wearing masks below their noses??!!?

It's not just him - I see it everywhere. WTF are people thinking? Do they seriously not understand how things work? Are they that stupid? Or do they just not care?

Hmph. Do these same people think that a condom works just fine when wrapped around the balls?

I was in a fabric store, needed to have my selection cut from the bolt. Took it to the cutting table, the employee had her mask below her nose. I asked her to fix it, and she did. I feel sorry for her having to wear the mask all day. It also looked like the mask did not fit well. She works in a fabric store, the mask if fabric, they could have fixed that with supplies literally on hand. No excuse at all.


The Lone Ranger! What a moron!

barjoe Level 9 July 12, 2020
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