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Joke Biden is kinda goofy and a DNC tool, but trump is a tiny handed facist.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. per Wikipedia

hankster 9 July 17

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It certainly seems to be what Trump is aspiring to be.

he already is, but rather impotent.


Couldn't find a better source than wiki, eh? Seems sketchy.

Plus, the left and the right are both full of fascisti.

SCal Level 7 July 17, 2020

I don't know where you got your definition, but it ain't any different than the one i pulled from Wiki.


Definition of fascism

1. a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Sounds like every us president ever.

SCal Level 7 July 17, 2020

Even if Joe Biden were to drop dead the day after his inauguration, whoever he selects as his running mate would be a massive improvement over Trump, in terms of foreign policy / international relations, judicial appointments, environmental rollbacks, pro-science policies, ethnic inclusion and sheer emotional stability. America has an unstable, unhinged and unfit resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, sorely in need of an eviction notice!


Well said, People don't like to hear the negatives about the Obama/Biden administration but it is very relevant and important.

The dempublicans are a single party divided into two wings. A far right wing and center right wing. They agree on most policy although it may not seem that way because the dem wing of the party pays lip service to issues that people on the left care about. The two wings serve the same set of constituents, and it ain't the people.

@jorj So your point is what? Vote for four more years of Donald Trump because Joe Biden doesn't meet your 'purity' standard?


Fits BLM and ANTIFA perfectly except for the nationalism part. Add Soviet Russia and the behavior is identical. NAZIS and Bolsheviks differed only in structural ideology. Functionally, you couldn't tell them apart. Today's Marxist street thugs and vandals are yesterday's Brown Shirts or Black Shirts.

The most significant difference is they aren't nearly as tough. They are cowards who gang-up like packs of jackals on easy targets straying from the crowd. They don't have the guts the old style Fascist thugs had.

"Marxist street thugs[?]" I don't think so. Today's Brown Shirts attend Unite the Right rallys and carry tiki torches. They are largely comprised of white supremacists who Trump fails to aggressively marginalize. BLM and ANTIFA don't even belong in the same sentence.

@p-nullifidian Ignoring history will 'doom us to repeat it'. Too late though. The encore is 'en'. Actions disclose. Function defines. Labels mean nothing. Any week now, possibly this one, they'll be scattered like roaches when the light comes on.

@Silver1wun "Ignoring history will 'doom us to repeat it'. Too late though. The encore is 'en'. Actions disclose. Function defines. Labels mean nothing. Any week now, possibly this one, they'll be scattered like roaches when the light comes on."

What on Earth does this ramble even mean?

"The encore is 'en'[?]" "Function defines[?]" "Labels mean nothing[?]" "...scattered like roaches[?]"

Are you f*ing kidding me?

@p-nullifidian Not at all. "And those who were seen to be dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music." F. Neitzche (attributed)

@Silver1wun Perhaps poetic allusions, while intriguing, are an inadequate means of communication? Specifics are necessary to form a data-driven position, don't you agree?

@p-nullifidian Specifics you want? Are you blind? Can't be stupidity, must be something hypnotic.. That's it. The screen exploits susceptibility to suggestion! This isn't a place for history lessons. Look-up the Brown Shirts and watch them with a 'functional eye'. Ignore labels.



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