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Most of the people on this site live in the USA. I'm curious to find out what they know and think of the Aga Khan.

Petter 9 Apr 6

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Here you are.
Read and learn about the world outside the USA.


Reading the comments I realise that many of you people have no idea of the Aga Khan.
Yet I bet all of know about the Pope.
The Pope is the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic religion.
The Aga Khan is the spiritual leader of the Ismaili peoples, a Shia Muslim sect of the Islamic religion. (Like the Christian church, Islam too broke into sects, the main ones being Sunni, and Shia, with the Shias further breaking into Mainstream, Alawite and Ismaili.)
I presume you've all heard about those nasty Muslims?
The Sunnis rule Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden was a Sunni.
The Alawites rule Iraq, but are in a minority there.
Mainstream Shias rule Iran.
(Getting an idea of why the middle East is so volatile? Yes! It's religion!)
I notice many of you did know about some of the philanthropic organisations set up by the Aga Khan, which help not just his followers, but everyone, regardless of race, colour or creed.
I have met many of his followers who are millionaires, but remain humble.
I have met many of his followers who are poor, but remain humble.
I have yet to meet one who is militant.
They all know I'm an atheist, and they all say the same thing. Any person, believer of any faith or not, who lives by a moral social code of behaviour, is a good person.
Ismailis merge so well into societies all around the world that nobody even realises they are a branch of the Muslim religion. (You might even have an Ismaili living quietly next door.)
Damn it ! Here's me, a devout atheist, saying the Aga Khan is one of the world's good guys!

Thanks for that @Petter you have corrected my misunderstanding. I thought that you were talking about a solid fuel cooking range. ? And as someone else has said the world probably needs more like him but not if that includes enslavement to a religion.

thanks for sharing, Petter. Now that you've put him on our radar, hope you will continue to share more as events occur.

@FrayedBear I had a Dover, not an Aga, in my early homes. Both were brilliant devices. The Dover was wood burning. Ismailis don't appear to be enslaved to their religion - they seem to sort of like it - probably held to it by a comfortable silken thread rather than iron shackles and a heavy cast-iron ball.

@crazycurlz I don't particularly "follow" the Aga Khan, any more than I "follow" the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury. But I do like to have a broad knowledge of the religions of the world. After all, their differences are the largest single cause of human carnage.
In a nutshell, the split between Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims is that Shia leaders inherit their status (a bit like a monarchy) whilst Sunni leaders gain it by political power (a bit like a Republic, but without the unnecessary hassle and expense of allowing the populace to vote!)
Down the centuries that has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths!
However, here's an anomaly:-
Saudi Arabia is Sunni, but has a royal family. Syria is Shia, but has a strong-man in power!
It almost makes Evangelists seem sane!

Yes , I did a lot of research when the Muslim scare was propagated. Islam is NOT a violent religion any more than Christianity. Islam is more accepting of outsiders than the US idiots

@EMC2 Most religions teach love and brotherhood, but have been usurped by power seekers and fanatics. Have you ever read up on the Sikh religion? Most of the Sikhs I know are "militant peace and brotherhood seekers", who love whisky and good living - or maybe I've fallen into bad company?? The best thing about them is that they easily accept my atheism.


He makes a respectable living. I guess.

I've replied above.


Shaka Khans' brother?

I've replied above.


Need more info dude.... Don't feel like Googling anything right now, my beer would get warm and no one likes that.....

I assumed he meant The Aga Khan Foundation; sort of a world class philanthropic think tank/Peace Corps organization that seeks to end hunger, and poverty in general, in 3rd world countries, I believe.

Ok.... Thx.... The only hunger and poverty I have to take care off is my own. If everyone would understand that.....

I've replied above. Grab another cold beer and gulp whilst you're reading about it.

@Condor5 I've replied some way above.

@IamNobody I've written quite a long spiel, some way above this post

I did gulp not one but quite few more. I read your comment and, well how do I put this?... Let me think here for a sec.... I didn't know about such organization, I don't know about the pope either. (Couldn't care less about any one of them...or any other similar organization) If they are doing great things then good for them. I stand correct (not corrected), if each and everyone of us do the right thing for himself then a lot of problems wouldn't have to be solved because they wouldn't exist to begin with. Great organizations or whatnot, the change must come from within.

@Petter, thank you for the explanation.

@IamNobody Unfortunately, "head in the sand" often leads to problems. The reason I follow these subject is not because of any belief - I have been an unbeliever for well over 60 years - but because I pay attention to the tenet "know your enemy". Religion has caused more human carnage than any disease or natural disasters.

@Petter..... I hear you. You have your perspective and it is completely respectable and I have mine. Diversity is what makes life so interesting. I am NOT saying or implying that you are wrong or anything. I am not talking about "head in the sand" either, I am saying I am responsible for what I do for myself, cannot sweat because of what I would like others to do.

@IamNobody ..and indeed, why should you not indeed my friend?
However, I like to keep abreast of world affairs. (would mind being "abreast" of other affairs, either!!) 🙂


Isn't that the guy that Rita Hayworth married?

I've written a bit about him some way above


Ok so without Google I have heard zero about this guy. I guess more importantly is what do You think?

I've written a bit about him some way above


Star Trek? Ok I'll google it in shame....


I've written a bit about him some way above


you are correct, most people on this site are from the USA, and probably don't know where Europe is , having said that, im not too familiar with the Aga Khan, other than a title given to an describes the Aga Khan as one of the world's ten richest royals with an estimated net worth of US$800 million . Additionally he is unique among the richest royals as he does not rule over a geographic territory. Among the goals the Aga Khan has said he works toward are the elimination of global poverty; the promotion and implementation of secular pluralism; the advancement of the status of women; and the honouring of Islamic art and architecture . Well, with that sort of money, you could achive a lot,


Don't know who that is sorry.

I've written a bit about him above, which I see you've read!


Aga Khan doesn't even appear in US media, Petter. []

What is the world view or your view of the Aga Khan?


Didn't know anything about it until now. Reading on it, it sounds a bit like the Peace Corps, maybe with a bit of Habitat for Humanity thrown in.

he sounds loaded.

@crazycurlz ?

@Condor5 philanthropist maybe and in this case loaded=financially well endowed.

@crazycurlz Nah! His personal wealth is only about 800 million dollars.

@Petter, " ...only about 800 million dollars." That's not wealthy? Holy shit! Evidently, I'm a pauper. At least I don't have to worry about anybody kidnapping me or my kid.

@Condor5 he's a lot poorer than your president - or quite a few of your previous incumbents, not to mention social media and software. He hasn't even got a paltry million.
What do you mean "Do you like sarcasm"?

@Petter let me refer you to a comment from another member above:
you are correct, most people on this site are from the USA, and probably don't know where Europe is , having said that, im not too familiar with the Aga Khan, other than a title given to an describes the Aga Khan as one of the world's ten richest royals with an estimated net worth of US$800 million . Additionally he is unique among the richest royals as he does not rule over a geographic territory. Among the goals the Aga Khan has said he works toward are the elimination of global poverty; the promotion and implementation of secular pluralism; the advancement of the status of women; and the honouring of Islamic art and architecture . Well, with that sort of money, you could achive a lot,"

Apparently you think this person does not know what they're talking about? Anyway, I was making a joke. Evidently, you don't get some kinds of humor.

@Condor5 I believe you may not understand my sense of humour. I enjoy sarcasm, as in "paltry 800 million". Must be part of the difference between British and American humour. We're actually on the same logic spectrum, just different colours.

@Petter, well, I must admit British humour is typically subtler and more sophisticated than our humour here; Benny Hill, notwithstanding.


I don't know and who?


i have no idea what this even means

Byrd Level 7 Apr 6, 2018
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