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I'm not going to have a headstone, my ashes will be tossed into the firebox of a steam locomotive, but if I did have a headstone, which remaining family are pushing me for, it would have the following epitaph, "My only regrets, the times I passed on the opportunity to have sex." Or something like that!

I'm sure that would be a much photographed headstone.

Anyone want to suggest an edit to make it more concise?

Keep it clean enough for a headstone, and maybe I will go for it.

Lincster45 6 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I want to be tossed in a body farm to rot. 🙂

Tombstone: "Ok, to finish the experiment, a pinch of..."


My father always said he wanted his headstone to say, "Forward All Mail."

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

I once had a friend who bought his own headstone and had it engraved. He put his birthday on it but left the end blank. He made it his coffee table. He thought why not be able to use it when ali Ends!


Well, I would say, c'mon over here, baby, but I think Admin might object......


Now that I am dead and gone
No heaven or hell is evident
I will never see another dawn
But still wish Hillary was president


Hard to beat your original comment


You still have time to make up lost ground.


"Almost 99% of the mass of my body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesiumn. And a bonus trace amount of Lysergic acid diethylamide. Ride My See-saw."

You have to pay by the letter, ya know!

@AnneWimsey I was beginning to wonder what he was smoking, I want some!

@Lincster45 whatever it is it makes one damned chatty, lol!


Need to think about that one.


At least I'm not in North Dakota.


It won't matter what you want on it. If you've got family "pushing" for you to have one,
they're going to put whatever they want on it.

My wishes are recorded, but once I'm gone... whatever they do I won't know so I'm not about to lose any sleep over it...So my headstone might be a preemptive move, and the more I think about it, the more I like it!


I will donate my useful parts. The rest you can throw in a dumpster for all I care.

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