This looks like an interesting group of individuals. I am sure that I might learn something new, if I spend some time reading what people are writing.
Give me time to respond!
Welcome to a freethinking community. Have fun and join in.
Welcome! There is never any need to feel rushed to comment. If a post to which you wish to respond "disappears" keep in mind that it has just moved down the list because of newer posts and/or newer comments. You can search for it by keyword, and you can also look through the CATEGORIES and comment on any post. Your comment then becomes a "new comment" and that post moves to the top of the NEW COMMENTS tab.
Old posts never die, they don't even fade away.
This is a great site! I am off FB now and love the freedom of being able to speak freely about being atheist and not being judged! We talk about many topics and receive great feedback.
Hello! The first thing you should know is that we are all strange, moody and generally weird.
The second thing you should know is that you can ignore my first comment - this is a really supportive community and you are welcome.
The third thing you should know is that I believe the moon landing actually happened.
Because, you know, in this time of "fake news", it's good to get your bona fides out...
Most importantly, welcome Beefree!
Hi, and welcome to the website.
The first thing is to write your profile and answer the profile questions. That will earn you points, and when you start making comments and posting your own questions, you will earn more.
When you reach level two, you can privately message people if you wish.