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I hate having to make these parenting decisions on my own without a coparent. Send the kids to school or have them learn from home? Both kids want to learn at school bc they say they can’t learn certain things online. Both schoolers.

PandaCat 5 Aug 4

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It is necessary to focus on children's abilities, but I think it is better to send them to a regular school. Every child needs socialization with their peers. Otherwise, they may have specific problems later. Imagine how hard it is for a child who does not know how to make acquaintances and communicate with the same children like him. Try to pay attention to [], since I arranged my children there too. Many friends have advised me of this particular service because good specialists work there and the children themselves are delighted with this place. I hope your kids will be happy, good luck


Be very very careful


It's nice that you have a choice where you live. Because this is an unusual time in history, and hopefully just temporary for this particular year, I would opt for the safer online option for now. You can always ease up later, when it's safe, but to go into a risky situation when you have a choice, seems to be tempting trouble. That's my take on it.


The major advantage of school is the socialisation with other kids the same age. If you can't provide that then seriously consider sending them to school


. . . three identical posts -- you could delete two of them 😟

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