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A life sentence for attempting to steal a set of hedge clippers!

Petter 9 Aug 7

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What a pile. Meanwhile Trumps cronies are stealing millions if not billions.


It's Louisiana. There are counties in that state that haven't surrendered the Civil War yet.


It's Louisiana still in jim crow laws


This is absolutely horrendous and cannot be considered justice in the mind of any reasonable person. It is quite obviously out of proportion to his attempted burglary to have been imprisoned for over 20 years. Here in the UK, murderers and rapists have served less time than this, although that is arguably too lenient in their cases.

Stay tuned for the next Civil war over here!


Of course, this is the great America trump wanted

lerlo Level 8 Aug 7, 2020

I read this when the news broke. Can't believe it. I don't remember if it said whether the man is black or not but I bet he is. this is shameful no matter what color a person is 😟


America seems less and less free the more I hear about these type of things happening. SMH




This was mentioned in the Movie 13th -- posted a couple days ago, just watched it :

I'll watch that when I'm not on my phone. The intro looks intriguing.

Glad you brought the movie up. I'm going to watch it now.

Thank you for the link !

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