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Is gingerism a thing? Come on you gingers share your thoughts? From being made to stay in the shade on a hot day to people genuinely believing you are especially volatile just because melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), which is found on chromosome 16!

Amisja 8 Apr 8

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I am a ranga, my mother sister and I have dark auburn hair. Mine has gone brown now, it changed at about 22. My mother used that as an excuse for her temper. I am one of the most emotionally controlled people I have ever known, so tis all rubbish.


Research supposedly has proven that you are the sexiest.


I'm only a ginger-wannabe, a faux ging, a henna-head, but I'm very believable as a ginger because of my fishbelly white complexion. Though I'm not freckled. Yes, gingerism is definitely a thing. People make all sorts of assumptions about me based on my hair color.

vita Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

Lol. Confucius say "wise man verify hair colour by looking at pubes first".


Does ginger look orange or red in other parts of the world? I've only ever seen yellow-ish ginger.

I never understood people with orange hair being called "redheads", but a photographer friend gave me the rundown on how different colors used to be viewed, or not. Evidently orange used to be described as red.

I might as well have orange/red/ginger hair. I'm so melanin-challenged, I glow in the dark.

ha, in Oz, a person with red hair is called, "Blue".


I guess I could be considered a ginger. My beard hair gets a little red and when I didn't shave my head, the hair on it had a red tinge. Plus I'm pale skinned. I had freckles when I was younger, but now only get them on my back I think when I'm in a pool. I remember the viral vids online years ago claiming that gingers had no soul lol

Being so damn pale contributed to having skin cancer on my right cheek when I was 35. My grandmother had it on her nose when she was in her late 80s. I also have to supplement with Vitamin D pills.

Sorry to hear this...factor 50 is the only way


I always thought it looked kinda cute. Come on gingers, show some pride. You have the ability to stand out of a crowd while people like me just blend right in.

Also you have a head start on the rest of us if we ever have to live in vast underground caverns.



I can sympathise--even though I don't have ginger hair I burn bright red within a couple minutes.


Daughter is so pale that she has amazing coloring. But she was delighted to be diagnosed as photosensitive and proudly announced she was a vampire, a red haired one.....?
Gingerism? She struts her red tresses with flair,.......but only if it's cloudy.

Tilia Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Well done that fabulous girl! Mine has dyed her hair jet black since she was 13 :'(

@Amisja I died my hair black as well. At 14, Then I cut it match stick short ( like Jean Simmons in Joan of Arc) The I got over it and let it grow out to my normal color and length. My MOther breatherd a sigh of relief.


I'm not naturally ginger, but I have all the characteristics. I can see it being like that.


I have no idea what you are talking about.

You clearly are not ginger!!


From a genetic perspective yes. It's recessive and those of us that have it, we can be more susceptible to skin damage from the sun and other things including vitamin deficiency. Apparently many have lower levels of pain tolerance also.

@sarahjustme they lied...believe me


As a kid I was taunted in school with this charming ditty: Red hair and freckles are the devi'l compadres. ( In German, of course) I was also left handed.. Thank goodness, i grew up above 53 deg latitude, same as Fairbanks, Alaska, Murmansk, Russia, amnd Winnipeg, Canada. More a lack of sun and a need for Vitamin D.


I saw someone on TV talking about the fact there are fewer people with red hair. They said that people with red hair don't date and therefore don't mate. The reasoning was when they did date each other people thought they were siblings. Any thoughts from people with red hair.

I'd date another ginger in an instant! I'm doubtful if that's a real reason among us.

@farmboy2017 It wasn't just some random person. They had studied this. It does seem like l see fewer redheads than when l was younger. How often do you see two gingers dating or marrying. I don't believe it is a dominate gene. Their conclusion was that particular gene might be disappearing.

@Sticks48 yeah you don't see many ginger couples. At least I haven't. I hope we don't go extinct?

@farmboy2017 You might be among the last of your kind. Kind of weird when you say it.

@Sticks48 Nooooooooooooo......ha ha?

@farmboy2017 Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I don't think Hallmark has a card for this. 🙂

@Sticks48 My housemate is a cartoonist and makes cards for various companies. I'll tell him there will soon be a market.

@ailurophile lol


My daughter was very blond but then when puberty arrived was the most vivid red. She married a pale freckled ginger top. My granddaughter is pure unadulterated ginger.

@FrayedBear Great! Doing their part to keep gingers among us, in the near future anyway.🙂


I can look at a picture of the sun and get burned! But that doesn't keep me out of it.

That could be a good pick up line (yes, I like ginger women!) Hello, where do keep your melanocortin-1 receptor?


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