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Feeling a bit low and anxious today. Sick of Covid. Sick of wearing a mask. Sick of Trump. Sick of his cult. Sick of the hatred. Sick of how Republicans stole the flag. Sick of the inequality. Sick of the UnUnited States right now. Feeling ashamed of my country’s small mindedness. And no matter where I turn, it’s all I see.

So I sit outside in the humidity of South Carolina and close my eyes as a gentle breeze tickles the sweat pooling at my collarbone. I listen to the birds songs. Damn I’d love to be a bird right about now.

Namaste 7 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I take my folding chair to any of several local parks almost every day. I play scrabble games, take pictures, participate here, or listen to radio.


It will be over in less than sixty days. His days are numbered.


It's overwhelming for so many of us to be sure. I was just reading an article about the extreme increase in depression and suicide right now, in part because of the long-term effect of uncertainty for what our future will bring (sorry, I don't have the link). I don't have the details, but know that you are not alone.

But we're here - check in any time - and it sounds like you're going in the right direction by going outside and getting away from it all. Do that as often as you can.

I have read there is an increase and suicide due to covid and due to the secondary pandemic (aka people isolated with their abusers and experiencing more abuse). Which article linked the increases specifically to american politics? 😕


I hear u . I feel all the same plus I am angry .
I can’t find any words to comfort u , and that’s unusual for me , all I can say is that u are not alone .
I keep saying to self , “ better days are coming “. Preferably when a cup of coffee on hands , u know , that brief 45 mnt that second pair of wings grows .
Some x , instead of looking the whole big ugly pic, it helps to look the few trees in front of u , and nurture them .
Like , one tree at the time , water / trim / feed , next . Keep an eye on the big forest w peripheral vision , but find the tree infront of u to take care of .
Here is a smile for u : imagine if u weren’t just a bird . I say , let’s take it to the next level 🙌: huge pterodactyls , and we can fly and shit on trump on his people .
Smile . Better days will come . Hugs .

this pterodactyl just took a laxative.....all the better to shit on trumptard.... 😉

@Lavergne good evening diva ♥️Just woke and not working tonight ! Making coffee and will pest u in few at msg . I missed u 🙁


I feel the same way. The only thing keeping me sane is not watching/reading the news and doing some other activity. It's a struggle for sure.

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