32 7

Oh, FFS.

New MS flag features "IN GOD WE TRUST"


WilliamCharles 8 Sep 3

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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(sigh) Of course it does. Maybe in another 125 years, they'll get rid of that stupid motto.
Edit: The 1861 flag wasn't terrible. The 2001 flag proposal was cool though; too bad the flag wasn't change then.


One of the poorest most backward states in the union. Now we know why. So glad I live in a civilized state!


Not surprised, bible belt shithole


Yup. Gotta love my state...


One of the poorest states in America.....they love their guns and Bibles.


Asteroid, NOW!

I am so damned sick of ALL this bullshit.
Just end it already.


How "precious." 🙄
Mississippi can now join Florida, because that is their state motto...apparently since 1886 or sometime around then.

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