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An earlier post (by @DarwinistOne) asked about profile hits on dating sites and whether they might be tied to religious beliefs. That post was referring to dating sites only, but it got me wondering who is viewing who here. In taking a look through my visitors, I don't see any obvious trends in demographics - good mix of genders, ages, and locations.

So my question is, are there any patterns in who is visiting your profile?

Better yet, who do you like to view?

PraiseXenu 6 Apr 8

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I like to check out people's other posts to see how they have responded to other topics. It gives me some insight into personality.

Way better than profile questions, I think,


Old men follow me mostly.

@MrLizard Lol, sorry.

@MrLizard Lol, no. I didn't mean to paint that type of image. I meant on this site.

@MrLizard Okay.


The majority of the people who have viewed my profile have been men. There's only been a handful of women.

Mea Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

@ExMoHeathen Aw, thank you!

I viewed most of the folk near me as well as people whose posts I read or replied to. And yes, I also checked out many  ladies I see in my age range. What can I say, I'm male and still have a pulse.

Almost all guys (but this site is guy heavy) about a quarter are within an hour drive and 3/4 in my preferable dating age range. I’m actually getting more hits AFTER I unchecked that I’m available for dating but hopefully that’s just general curiosity. ?

When I was looking for someone to date I viewed guys in my dating age range that were close by or lived somewhere that I wouldn’t mind relocating like Oregon, Washington or Colorado. I also peeked at those who peeked at me.


No idea. I rarely look to see who's viewed me, or who is following my posts.
The only time I check out anyone's profile is if they're new and I'm responding to
a post.


The predominant pattern of viewing my profile is the ones I have viewed have viewed me back.
I can break down into two categories the ones I have viewed. Looking at this site as a dating one, I view strictly for physical attraction first. While viewing, I note the men they are following. If the woman is following a man way out of their league physically then no need to follow. Looking for someone who at least respect themself enough to take pride in physical appearance.
The second category I view relates to a post or comment that was articulated well. Could be male or female. If the person is a reasonably attractive female then may move her to the category above.
No negative or positive thought to anyone personally, just a clinical approach.


I have people following my posts, looking at my profile and people contacting me on Messenger. I don't analyze who is contacting me but they are all long distance - 2 most popular states are Texas and Florida. No one from New England. Go with the flow I say.


Most of them are way older than me...
I'd like to see more guys from Oregon! And who are not poly...

Remi Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Just had to look since you mentioned way older.

Ha ha! The oldest I ever dated was 9 years older than me.


Mostly men they really should look at my name or get glasses lol

Maybe they are using a phone app like me? I am sure I viewed your profile thinking the person in the tiny picture with long hair was a woman. Surely, by now you have gotten use to men mistaking you for a woman with the lenght. Lol


At the moment I go for topics that look interesting rather than specific people, but I am not looking for a partner, or even to meet people, since I am in the UK and most people on the site are in the USA. Maybe once the site has been going longer and I have been on it longer patterns will emerge and I shall start looking out for particular people, but not yet!


Haven't been on here long enough to determine either way if there's a pattern. I view people at random.


No obvious pattern on mine. I tend to go look at who viewed mine or when a person posts something that peaks my interest, I‘ll go look to see what else they have had to say.

Whoops, I see a pattern Christie. []

@2TuffTony good point! ?

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