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Can of worms time: Ladies...why is it SO horrible to not have the toilet seat left down for you? Can’t you just put it down yourself? I ask because I have yet to meet a woman who leaves the seat UP for men, which requires the same amount of thought and energy.

Rideauxb 7 Apr 8

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I don't get why it's such a big deal. It's a toilet seat, put it up if you're a guy and put it down if you're a woman. What's the big deal? Don't want to touch the seat? Use toilet paper. The issue shouldn't even be an issue. Period! My 2 cents.


I live alone so the seat stays up all the time but when I have women visitors and they use the toilet when I go in it's always down. No right or wrong to me.


It takes more energy for us to lift it. We have to fight gravity. They can just give it a nudge and down it goes.🙂


I've never understood this, but still like to put the lid down before flushing due to the spray that comes out. (Even though studies show that the darned faecal matter gets everywhere regardless!).
But if you are a woman and desperate for the loo you have to sit regardless which can be awful if it's wet, whereas man can sit anyway can't they? Just asking, have never asked a man to leave the seat down.


I just leave it down.


Should have posted this in the Philosophy & Meaning category. lol


Great question! Can't wait to see the answers.

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