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My problem every time I go out!

Petter 9 Sep 21

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..... bit at least I get more exercise.

@Petter yes, here you can go into pubs without, so on my walk yesterday had a drink in the pub instead of from the shop. I really have nothing to complain about 😉

@girlwithsmiles Here, in pubs and cafes, you are not allowed to remove your mask unless you are seated. You are also not allowed to walk in any street without a mask, even if you have parked right outside the cafe/bar/restaurant. Very strict. Nor may you smoke or vape if in the street, if inside any building or if anyone, even a fellow smoker, is within 10 feet of you.

@Petter that makes more sense to me, I usually wear mine inside, until seated, simply because it makes more sense. Outside I wear it if the person density indicates someone is likely to come within 2 metres of me.
I’m glad they’re taking it seriously.

@girlwithsmiles Here, yes. But in some areas rules are being ignored, mainly in the poorer parts of big cities. Madrid now accounts for one third of all new infections in Spain.

@Petter that’s sad, i think that’s how it’s happening here too. Population density and education are bound to be factors in something like this I suppose. Reading and deciphering reports and statistics isn’t for everyone.


I keep all my masks in the car. They get worn and I bring them in the house and throw them in the washer. After washing they get pressed, and then taken back to the car waiting for my next trip out. I've got about 10 in the car now, and stacks of fabric for more masks. My goal is to avoid just exactly that.

You press your masks? I am not sure whether to be impressed or befuddled LOL.

@ReadyforaChange By pressing them I make sure any possible germs are gone, gone, gone. And my masks have ties, so it makes the ties tidier. Why ties you may be thinking. I also wear hearing aids, and elastic on masks will dislodge the hearing aids when I remove the mask.

@HippieChick58 I live in fear of the new (tinier!) hearing aids getting lost in the car!


LMAO hilarious

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 21, 2020

The good news is it is unnecessary:

  1. Work online
  2. Order food delivery
  3. Order grocery delivery
  4. Enjoy Netflix
  5. Exercise at home
  6. Avoid rednecks everywhere
  7. Watch news online but avoid FoxNews and CNN

Hope you're staying home.

Only when I'm not going oit!


I'd hate to get pushed down the steps.

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