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9/26/2020 2020 weirdness keeps rolling along, Covid-19 continues to ravage the land unimpeded. 38 days to go. ANTIFA WEAPONS CACHE EXPLODES ON STREET KILLING SEVEN: []

Druvius 8 Sep 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Been advising one of my two with regard to purchasing a house in Portland, OR … when it hit me.. For all the maham, job loss, and political stress - homes my parents paid $12,000 for in ..1968 are now selling for half a million $! And if you don’t offer well above asking price’s gone within days..

When I’d left the area it had been the number one U-Haul destination in the US for 3 years, may still be. Quite amazing for ‘a city under siege!’ 😉

Varn Level 8 Sep 27, 2020

" antifa weapons cache"???? And the picture shows a woman holding a torn bag of groceries, mostly canned goods, 7 of which are circled in red, rolling on a sidewalk. WTF? Not exactly the headline.....
And the article meanders from one topic to another. Big grain of salt here.....

Trump claims that protesters throw cans of soup at cops. He claims the protesters use soup because if they're caught with it they just claim it's for their families.

@BitFlipper well, i guess that makes some kind of sense of the pic.........

Not everyone likes my writing style. Thanks for the feedback.


Every day....every damned day....I wonder what's next? We couldn't have dreamed this, a year ago. And we are.


It could have been tuna. That would have been a slaughter.

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