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"Liberals hate leftists for the same reason a wife who is informed that her husband is cheating on her will often turn her anger upon the person who told her: they made it hard to hold onto the delusion that their setup is working out fine."

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WilliamCharles 8 Sep 26

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Some of you don't bother to check definitions.


The myth of the "moderate conservative" that can be persuaded to vote Dem.




The misunderstanding of so many commenters here would be downright comical if it weren't so sad.

Here's someone who gets it. A journalist. A truth-teller on Palestine (how I initially became aware of him).

People calling out neoliberals are Cassandras to liberals, who just want to exercise their privilege to be able to go back to sleep. The hagiography is most intense, as long as the person had a 'D' next to their name. Hence, Obama can commit the same war crimes as Bush, but his are excused, if not ignored or denied outright.

Pull your heads out, folks. It's cutting off your oxygen supply.


The misunderstanding of so many commenters here would be downright comical if it weren't so sad.

That's kinda funny.... You're commenting on your post and you speak of misunderstanding 😂😂😂

@Cutiebeauty - you still don't get it... and that's sad.

@WilliamCharles yes, it is sad.. Every side thinks they are right and calls the others sad.. No such thing as an open minded discussion in politics from what I see... Everyone sticks to their guns and no one budges an inch...


"Liberals and leftists identify many of the same problems. Only leftists understand that real solutions require serious pressure on the ruling elites. The credible threat of force -- for example, a peaceful protest that could turn violent -- may be enough to force reforms. But reforms always get rolled back after the left stops watching. Ultimately, the rulers will have to be removed via revolution, a process that requires violence.

Liberals do not demand change; they ask nicely. Because they oppose violence and credible threats of violence, they tacitly oppose fundamental change in the existing structure of politics and society. Unlike leftists, they are unwilling to risk their petty privileges in order to obtain the reforms they claim to crave. So, when push comes to shove, liberals will ultimately sell out their radical allies to the powers that be. And they will run away at the first sign of state oppression.

If you can't trust your ally, they are no ally at all."


It's fitting that this piece was by cartoonist Ted Rell. He was lionized by Dems for taking Shrubya to task all throughout his two terms, but became persona non grata to those same Dems for calling out Obama when appropriate.

All of that is so true. When it really comes down to walking the walk instead of talking the talk, and actually putting themselves on the line, liberals are too selfish and gutless to effect change to the system.


Liberals ARE leftists, moron, and leftists are liberals.
What is UP with some people? Jeez...


Liberals do not hate leftists. They dislike irrational, impulsive people and people who have blind commitment to total system ideology. (whether that ideology be on the right or left.


Liberals hate leftists. Hate them, hate them, hate them.
They don’t often admit it of course. Admitting you hate those to your left at least as much as you hate those to your right would cause a lot of cognitive dissonance for those who think of themselves as being on the left, and it would weaken their arguments considerably.

Leftists are liberals. This article makes zero sense...

Leftists are liberals, liberals are leftists, it's just where on the spectrum you are.
You're right: zero sense.

@Storm1752 thank you ☺


After reading the article a second time, I would also say that religious fundies hate atheists for the same types of reasons, namely that we pose a cognitive dissonance threat to them that maybe everything they have ever been taught and believe is a lie. Also, they resent our thinking that we are or might be just as morally good and ethical as them, maybe more so. It bugs them that we might be just as deserving of heaven as them, if that existed and were solely based on works and morality. For that matter, economic conservatives hate leftists because we expose them as the selfish greedheads they are.


I would add that liberals who hate leftists pointing out how corrupt the Dem party is, esp. its leaders, are not so much upset to be told the system is not working for them. They are upset because the leftists truthfully and correctly point out that the system is not working for anyone who is living at less than the upper-middle class. The liberals usually are at that level on the economic ladder and don't like being told they might be sellouts or at best indifferent to the economic hardships and struggles of the lower classes than them.

Hence, the inspiration for the old Phil Ochs song, mainly that the liberals feel like simply saying they are a liberal and that they support all the lower class and identity politics struggles out to be enough for them to feel righteously smug and comfortable that they are good people who are always on the right side, but sorry, to us socialists and progressives that's not enough. Being on the right side of the class war is by far the most important area in order to call yourself one of the good guys. You have to be willing to invest yourself in real equality by supporting a fair economy, which will never happen without socialist leaders and socialist policies. Neoliberalism won't ever cut it in bringing that about.


Send Bernie to exile and find a better Messiah

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