I’m not mad. I’m disappointed that the education system or your parents didn’t teach you to form a coherent argument.
I’m waiting though.
wow! Why are you speaking to @robertmartin like that?!
@Cutiebeauty you think ow who it’s to. Step up your game whitey.
@CourtJester huh, what? I don't understand.. I don't speak the language you are using here...
@Cutiebeauty guessing a lack of education obviously.
"you think ow who it’s to. Step up your game whitey."
Yes. You finally admitted you lack an education. That's great, but next time, do you think you could use a complete sentence, doctor?
@Cutiebeauty I’m betting on maybe a high school education at best. Maybe at best.
@CourtJester Silly male, look at my profile.. Why are you betting against yourself?
@Cutiebeauty just a bet from your posts. Not gonna date you so no need to check your profile.
@CourtJester that was really ignorant .
So, you continue to not read profiles... You're used to burying your head in the sand and ignoring information...
Thanks for the amusement as always...
@Cutiebeauty Any time
#1 represents a realistic representation of changing demographics and makes sense given this fact;
#2 The top #1 and corporate CEO'S could easily feed all homeless by just giving up their inflated bonus packages each year;
#3. FDR set up a system to provide health care for the elderly as part of the New Deal. Republicans have been steadily chipping away at it since it was past;
#4 Ronald Reagan was the Predident that drastically cut the budget for mental health and forced thousands of people onto the street without any mental health, most became homeless;
#5 We have the biggest military wartime budget of any country in history at any time. The pentagon enters into inflated contracts that give untold sums to the contracting CO'S and officers. They also funnel significant monies from grants unintended for weaponry (eg. COVID relief funds);
#6. This is correct. VA gets large sums for VA care, but where it goes is a mystery;
#7 and yes we do donate billions to other countries. Its called maintsoning the staus quo and balancing the distribution of powers around the world. Sometimes thinking several moves down the line is the best strategy when dealing with unpredictable powers and future. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Shit ain’t free.
Previously being in the military and still have several friends in there and in medicine, out service men and woman have been in much better shape the past few years compared to the previous several years for sure. Hands down.
Let's see your supporting evidence.
Shit ain't free... True.. But the USA is doing sooo sooo well economically, surely it can provide something to it's own citizens before assisting other nations...
@Cutiebeauty We’ve actually cut a lot of nations off and reduced what we are giving to the UN and The WHO. Far less than previous years.
If the homeless want it, they can earn it.
@CourtJester the homeless? What about the elderly, the mentally ill, the vets... Many of these people are homeless too... And cutting off the UN and the WHO, where's that money going? What good is it doing?
@Cutiebeauty I’m a veteran, if the motorcycles don’t kill me first, I’ll be elderly.
Life’s about choices and we live with the results of those choices. You should never have to live with the results of my choices. Nor I yours or anyone else’s.
And the VA is free (and very very good) to all veterans if they take the initiative to use it. Life is about choices.
"You should never have to live with the results of my choices. Nor I yours or anyone else’s."
Ah... So if those in government choose to create a new law, I don't have to live with that choice?
@Cutiebeauty there’s a difference between personal choices and social norms, but I do disagree with some laws.
@CourtJester yeah, what's the difference? A choice is a choice.. Where does it end...
@Cutiebeauty spend a month in or three in Mexico, China, Chile, or Pakistan and let me know. I’d love to hear what you learn.
@CourtJester umm... we are in America, discussing American issues... Duh...
@Cutiebeauty You are 100% correct. America.. A nation built from its founding on personal choices and reaping the benefits of those choices 100% to yourself and your family. A nation founded on a very small and very limited federal and state government. A government that doesn’t force its feelings on people or tax hard working citizens to fund welfare. That’s the America I long for.
@CourtJester there you go talking about feelings again can't you be objective without being so emotional? Sheesh, I can't stand a crybaby...
@Cutiebeauty can’t you offer facts, proof, and substance? You’re mad that I point out your feelings, but that’s all you have to offer.
It’s funny. Sad for the US from an educational level, but still comical.
"can’t you offer facts, proof, and substance?"
Our discussion here is based on opinion... There are no facts... Or proof... It's opinion..
"You’re mad that I point out your feelings, but that’s all you have to offer."
The only feeling I expressed here is laughter, symbolized by . But for some reason, you think
... You're a bit confused... That why I laugh at you so frequently
That is hilarious how you asked her for facts and proof when you failed to provide any to support your original comment. Yep, you are a joke.
@LovinLarge I gave a scenario but didn’t base the argument so the supporting argument doesn’t start in my court.
@CourtJester Bullshit. You made the factual claim that "out (sic) service men (sic) and woman (sic) have been in much better shape the past few years compared to the previous several years for sure". I responded first in order to ask for the evidence to support that factual claim. You failed to provide it.
Your claim is fraudulent and so are you. You are barely literate and could not have made it through med school, even in Alabama.