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Happy times too 😂😂😂

TimeOutForMe 8 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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If only I could love myself that much...

@Desertcactus Try 😊🤗

@TimeOutForMe Its hard, I'm constantly forced to question all my reasons for everything because of having unusual background, perspective and mental abilities. I'm always forced to justify things. I wish I could just live in peace for once. I supposed I'm getting depressed about it.

@Desertcactus seek professional assistance urgently for your wellbeing. You Matter 😉

@TimeOutForMe Having trouble finding a therapist who isn't going to make slapstick judgements based on their perspectives of life that don't apply to me. I had a decent one before I dropped out of college again but can't access those options anymore.

@Desertcactus go through a social worker in your area. See if they can source you a few free sessions with an unbiased professional. You need to accept self-worth is hiding inside of you. You need to want that 😊🤗 all the best 😉


They have had several in this size range on BGT.

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