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The Ratchet Effect

"The American political system, since at least 1968, has been operating like a ratchet, and both parties -- Republicans and Democrats -- play crucial, mutually reinforcing roles in its operation.

The electoral ratchet permits movement only in the rightward direction. The Republican role is fairly clear; the Republicans apply the torque that rotates the thing rightward.

The Democrats' role is a little less obvious. The Democrats are the pawl. They don't resist the rightward movement -- they let it happen -- but whenever the rightward force slackens momentarily, for whatever reason, the Democrats click into place and keep the machine from rotating back to the left."


WilliamCharles 8 Oct 1

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The Republican party of today is a damnable bullying fraud trying to steal as much power and money as they can. They are REALLY ytying to become a one party authoritarian state.

It pretty much already is a one party state. The duopoly plays political theater to the public to convince us that the two parties are opposed to each other but off camera, they almost always work together to further the interests of the war machine, the corporate rulers, and the 1%.

Glad to see that you're angry about it. It fills me with rage also.


That effect does not make sense. Sounds too nerdy, bookish and irrelevant to what we all see. Some things are best kept in books.

This Avery Edison was a de facto Trump voter and shamelessly proud of it.

Perhaps a visual aid can help you to understand it.


I do not even want to consider. I don't have a nerdish approach to life and issues. If you cannot explain in common man terms, explain without bookish and academic it is useless to me and millions of other people. These things are only good in textbooks and classrooms. 95% population will not understand it or not pay attention and therefore it does not make sense.

The fact that you have to explain is a failure of its meaningfulness.


It's a pretty simple concept. The common man understands how ratchets works.

That's a rather Trumpian attitude you have- (If I can't understand it, and/or I don't care enough to pay attention to it, it doesn't make sense.) I think most people are smarter and less lazy than that.


I disagree. The common man does not even understand the difference between "You are" and "Your". It maybe simple to you but mass communication is now a science. Nerdy language does not work in mass communication.

The way the Ratchet Effect as described above is hard to understand for a high majority of people in any society. High percentage on college campuses? Maybe but not of a society.


If that is the case, all the more reason to explain it to them using informative graphics and common sense language.

I think you underestimate the intelligence of regular people. What you are saying here is pretty elitist. That's the kind of attitude that drives away the common man.

I have an easier solution.

Drop the nerdy language, lose the academic air in the head and come back to the ground. You will see all clearly.


It's clear as is.


I have been saying it is clear to you but does sound clear to me and many others. It is a nerdy, professorial term. It has no use in people's lives. Only fit for textbooks.

Do you know why common people do not use these words?

"abstruse, insoluble, intricate, recondite, nonplussed, abjure, abnegation, bilk?"


None of those words were used.

Are you seriously not able to understand the simple concept that the republicans move the window right and then the democrats hold it there?


No, not with the term used.
Just say it in conversational English and not in bookish terms and I will understand it. If you get a job in media - be in print, radio or TV - the rule is make it easy to understand for public consumption. Maybe you did not get the memo.


Fuck your memo. It makes sense and you are just playing dumb to be difficult.

Is that plain enough English for you?


In my opinion, politics in similar to professional wrestling. Each side gets up and talks crap and beats the hell out of other side. When cameras are off and match is over they walk out go grab a beer and laugh at the poor suckers they just put on a show for and made them rich. Anyone that puts any stock in either side is crazy imo

Exactly. It is political theater.

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