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For those who are in the early days of their careers and wno may face the need to take major multiple choice exams in the future, let me recommend several strategies which serve me will in taking test like the GRE, the MAT, Florida Administrator Exam, batteries of tests in the US Army, and the U.S. State Department Foreign Service Exam. These strategies helped me to get very good scores on all of these tests

  1. Carefully manage your time. Allot yourself only 30 seconds to answer a question. If you don’t know the answer immediately, skip the question and come back later.
  2. On math problems, do not do full calculations when you can deduce the answer from quick scans. For example, let’s say the question is 6.68 times 9. From a scan you see that the last digit will be a 2 and that the answer will have two decimal places. You also see that the answer should be in the high 50s or low sixties. That should be enough to give you the answer.
  3. Do NOT guess on any question on which you cannot eliminate any of the options.
  4. On any questions in which you can eliminate one option, you are even with the correction formula. If you are a good calculated quesser, you might take a chance.
  5. If you can eliminate two or more of the answer options, go ahead and make your best guess. You should come out ahead if you can eliminate all but two answers, definitely go ahead and guess. You will come out ahead in your score.

Using these strategies enabled me to take the hardest of multiple choice tests with scores in the 80th to 95th percentile. It works.

wordywalt 9 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Interesting, I think they quit testing me years ago.
Now they just hand me projects and expect me to complete them.


That is great strategy for standardized tests that you can't study for. Have you ever not studied and passed an academic test where you didn't know the material?


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