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Bible belt conservatives! Yuck! He sees me shower and undress too I guess. what a perv! This photo was taken at a gas station at the end of my Housing Development in Raleigh n.c

Kojaksmom 8 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes it just drives me crazy to talk to a Bible thumper trying every way possible to convert my beliefs. There just seems to be no end to which lengths they will go to convert a person LOL.


I understand why he'd want to


Typical Jesus freak delusional bullshit!....didnt realize sTp oil was still around. Makes me want to break out some stone temple pilots.


Hahaha, sorry.

Kitz Level 4 Apr 10, 2018

Damn that's a creepy sign.


I have learned the hidden secret of many a billboard message - that they generally imply that the oppoasite is really true. For example "God lives" is really secretly sayting "God is not living" for who would put up a billboard that touts the obvious. Would you put up a sign that says "Bisons are real"? Of course not, since all can see they are real. When you have to tell people that, it means it is not true.

Geoff Level 5 Apr 10, 2018

I don't like the word still. Implies you are a bad boy or girl. So I guess he is kind of like Santa. Carries a sack of coal with him.

I agree, the sign is saying God is not pleased with his children! We are naughty!


I'm looking at the price ! Ours is $2.89. 😟
Today. $2.95. 😟 😟

I just paid 2.639... and thought that was high

You've got the right priorities! 🙂


Do you think he gets sexually aroused seeing your naked body?

Don't know but according to one person who posted here whenever he sees me masturbate he kills a kitten.

@Kojaksmom Well thank Him it's not puppies!

@buzz13 yeah thank goodness I'm not a cat person!

@Kojaksmom Hey! 😟

@Angelface in sorry hon!


He's watching, so he knows...please, think of the kittens...


i bet that was a eye roll moment


Just what I always wanted; a stalker...


I would buy my gas elsewhere.


You'd think he'd do something about gas prices.

I luv it!


Kinda like Santa seeing you when you’re sleeping.?

Lol! Yeah, God is really Santa for adults.


Scary sign.

I know!


God is a creepy mofo.

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