Star Trek Fundraiser for Biden Oct 13 6pm est
Biden should use his victory (if he wins?) to take the Democrats to the Left and effect real change.
To Boldly go where no Democrat has gone before
Yes, he has plans for far-left democrats such as Buttigieg and Yang on his administration. I think Sanders gets control of the Senate budget committee if Democrats take back the Senate.
I argue with the far-left a lot about how different Biden is from Trump. Would Trump put Warren on his administration? Let's think this through.
@UrsiMajor I hope you are right. The last thing the US needs is another Bill Clinton Type President. Bill Clinton did nothing for the poor and the working class. But he did cut welfare and give CEO's tax breaks they never had before him. I hope Biden reverses the TRUMP corporate tax cuts and does some real for the working poor and the middle class. Democrats need to get back to LBJ or FDR type approach. It's been a long time since the Democrats fought poverty in the US. I'll Give OBAMA a break for the Affordable health care act, but he went to the Centre apart from that in my view
@dermot235 Politicians need to move to the center to win elections. Hopefully, public opinion will allow the far left to be more influential than previous historical times. I fight with the far-left a lot about their ideological purity. They will vote for an ideological third party and hand the election to Trump - they think Biden is no different. If Trump wins re-election, there won't be any of us left.
@UrsiMajor US Politicians in the Democratic Party have moved to the centre, been unable to bring the change needed to support the working poor and the middle class and have LOST the support of these people. The So Called FAR left in the Democratic Party are not what the Far left was 50 years ago. Bernie Sanders is no different to FDR or LBJ or JFK. It's time for the Democrats to start representing the people who used to be able to rely on them. All moving to the centre has achieved is it has allowed the Republicans to move further to the right
@dermot235 The overall population moved to the right as a result of clever marketing. Trump rode the Obama wave for 3 years and that didn't help. Pre-COVID, I've had former Obama campaign managers tell me that the population had moved too far to the right. She thought Bloomberg had more chances of winning the election than Biden. Then came COVID. I've had conservative after conservative tell me they know Trump is a mess, but they couldn't back healthcare for all and a lot of the far-left policies that would actually benefit them. We can't help people if we can't win elections.
@UrsiMajor Health Care for All is NOT a Far left Policy. Every developed country in the world has healthcare for all. Even Thatchers Britain would not interfere with Universal health care. In the past republicans described Social Security as Far left Socialism. The same with Medicare. The Republicans spent over a decade trying to get rid of Medicare and they still attack it and try to defund it to one extent or another. When FDR introduced social security and LBJ introduced Medicare it became very popular with most voters very quickly. And the Democrats got MORE support from the public than they could have expected. The Democrats have to realise that if all they offer is Republican LIGHT policies they will never appeal to the Blue collar workers of America. And then they WILL listen to the TRUMP lies about how they will be looked after by Republicans. This is what's happened and this will not change unless Democrats offer real change for working people in the US. Democrats need to become part of the solution. At the moment they are part of the problem. Social security was introduced in the US in the 1930's but did not arrive in Europe until 1948. America used to lead the world and was a progressive nation that was far ahead of everyone else. Now America is lagging behind, stuck in a world that objects to change of any kind. The rest of the world progresses while America declines. Then there is the abandonment of America Allies. A disgrace that is barbaric and unfortunate. These Allies died with Americans on the beaches of Normandy and fought along side US soldiers in Afganistan and Iraq. Now Trump is basically telling it's allies that all of the shared Sacrifices and Blood and treasure spent to secure the freedoms and security we all enjoy counts for nothing. On this front I know Biden will do a good job and it's allies with breath a sigh of relief if Biden Wins. I just hope it's not too late. Trust in the us has been undermined so much by Trump. He does not seem to understand that in a world that has a rising China, the democratic nations of the world need to be more united than ever before.
@dermot235 I am not going to argue about healthcare for all. Do I want it? Yes. Will the majority of Americans want it? No. Do you have conservative friends? Do you talk to them? The issue here is not what is best, not what other countries are doing, the issue is what will win an election. Thanks.
@UrsiMajor I get what you are saying, but sometimes what is required of a president is to Lead and Not follow. That's what made LBJ and FDR Great presidents. Popularity for them followed on from that. Biden has the opportunity to be a great leader if he wants to. I have high hopes for him. I think he might surprise us and lead more than follow. He may even go to the left when he gets power. I hope he will. He does need a strong Democratic Congress to do this. And he may find himself with this too. I am optimistic that he can make a difference.
I love the news.
You're in Texas, right? What is your feeling? Do you think there is any chance of it going blue this election?
No chance of Texas going blue now or at least for the next 10 to 15 years. Biden is still underperforming Obama in 2008 and even Obama did not get Texas then.
Contrary to what CNN, MSNBC or Fivethrtyeight says, Texas is "Not" a toss up state. Texas is all red and it is not going blue in the near future. These are the same people who showed Hillary leading Trump all the way to November 3rd in 2016. I do not trust them. In Texas a Republican dog will get elected over a good Democratic candidate. Trump will win Texas and John Cornyn will get elected at least with 15% margin over a nobody MJ Hegar.
Trump is losing because of himself. Biden is not beating him.. just like Hillary handed him the victory in 2016. Hillary was not good and Biden is not good. The only difference is Trump took advantage of Hillary being bad and Biden team is getting benefit of Trump making mistakes day after day.
I'm not so sure Biden needs much more money, the Trump campaign is financially busted and Biden is outspending him everywhere.
Hell, even Scientific American endorses Biden, they never endorsed a presidential candidate before, but Trumps actions have been so deplorable they felt they had no choice.
There's a lot of that going on, even among Trumps old cabinet members.
Like seriously, damn Trump.
Valid points, but I am as hardcore a Hillary fan as there will ever be. I would prefer her to Biden, actually. So we thought we had it in 2016. Some polls have Biden doing about as well as she did for this time period.
Trump needs to lose by a landslide. He will use every trick, every sabotage, every con game you can imagine. If he loses this election, he is going to jail. The conservatives and Russians will have no further use for him and he will be dropped like a hot potato. Biden will need the cash for an army of lawyers to fight whatever happens.
Take nothing for granted. Fight as if our lives depend on a Biden win because they do.
@UrsiMajor Of course you're completely right. Hillary would have been a strong competent president, which means she's a strong competent woman, and nothing scares men alike a strong woman. The conservatives spent over twenty years turning her into a female lucifer. What they did was criminal, but she's now a victim, her career couldn't take her character assassination.
I voted for her too.
The conservatives decided instead to push us back to Jim Crow, and white supremist fascist terrorism.
If everyone knew the truth everyone would apologize to Hillary.
Such a stupid tragedy, caused entirely by a basket of deplorables.
@Willow_Wisp I'm not a big fan of Hillary's policies. I think she's to near the Centre. But I have no doubt that she would have been a competent President and a caring president. She was held to a higher standard than any man is held to in politics. The painting of her as some type of monster by republicans and by some Bernie supporters was reprehensible and disgraceful. I did not like her leanings to the centre but I did and do Like Hillary Clinton as a person. I just never got why people had such a low opinion of her. I have to conclude that it's because she is a woman. In a world that seems to still do this to women, I am proud to call myself a feminist. It think there is so much work still to be done to make our societies more equal when it comes to the rights of women. The right to choose is still under attack in America nearly 50 years after Roe V Wade. The fight must to go on for women's rights and equality. The battle is being won but the war is not won yet. Far from it.
I'm not as big a Star Trek fan as many. So I googled some Star Trek quotes, looking for something like "May The Force Be With you..." I thought this one was relevant for the forum:
"Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose -- and excluding that which is painful." Mr. Spock, "And The Children Shall Lead"